Queen the band sucks. I don't get why anyone likes them. Aside from Bohemian Rhapsody, their songs are bland and fall short. Their rock is dry. And the opera-style singing is cringe. Examples:
Another One Bites the Dust
Catchy bass line, fun to direct at an opponent, CORNY AF. The song is about people being killed, but sounds like a funky Michael Jackson song with an Opera singer.
We Will Rock You
Good solo, repetitive and annoying simple beat. Boom-boom-ch. So lame.
We Are the Champions
Such a self-aggrandizing and braggy song. "No time for losers"? Okay, Donald Trump.
Bicycle Race
I don't even have to say anything about this one. Everyone knows how corny this song sounds.
Somebody to Love
Touching topic, cheesy lyrics and even cheesier choir-like singing. It's cringe.
I am happy for the band and their success. I admire Freddie Mercury's unapologetic flamboyance. The dude kept it real. But, I just can't like the music.
I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. I understand we all have different taste and respect everyone's freedom to like and enjoy what they want. I'm not trying to insult anyone for their taste, but merely expressing my own in a somewhat humorous attempt.
I love Queen, but (with the exception of Somebody To Love) I feel like you’ve picked out the worst and most overplayed Queen songs. If you’re open to seeing why folks like them so much, I’d suggest the following (in my order of preference):
Under Pressure
I Want To Break Free
Radio Gaga
Stone Cold Crazy
Killer Queen
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
You’re My Best Friend
Don’t Stop Me Now
Who Wants To Live Forever
There’s a pretty good mix in there. Some are more operatic than others. Some go pretty hard.
I just don’t understand how you could describe them as dry?
Like, in my mind if you were to criticise them it would be that they’re too over the top. They’ve got punchy vocals, in your face solos, and most of the songs you listed are stadium rock.
There’s a bravado and flamboyance to everything they do, so it’s kinda supposed to be corny and fun. Not all music needs to be sad and have deep meaning, sometimes you need to let loose.
As many others have pointed out, you list a lot of their radio hits that I suppose can be overplayed and have become cliche in a way. But BORING? I will have to draw the line there. That music is nothing if not lively and full of spirit. Usually doing something unique with it's themes and style.
Don't tell me you are bored by Fat Bottomed Girls and Killer Queen?
This just looks like a 14 year old trying to shit on older music to sound cool. I get it's bait and all, but it was kinda boring, standard internet vapor.
The band released their first album over fifty years ago… as with all music time moves forward and that which was once the future becomes the past. Delete all the music released in the past four or five decades that came after them from your head and then listen to their albums. They’d probably seem quite refreshing and interesting. (For what it’s worth I’m not a fan either - but props where they’re due)
I totally agree but I suppose you have to note that at the time, it was somewhat unique.
That said, pop music has been bland since the 70s. Rock has dominated the charts for decades and anything remotely experimental is just called 'noise' by boomers who just seem to want more of the same.
The surge of dance music is a breath of fresh air that has become the same issue, but now affecting the next generation.
"Sucks" is entirely subjective when applied to musical taste, I applaud your attempt for engagement. I do believe that Queen is overhyped to hell and back but other than that, big meh, lots of people don't like the same music I do, so that is completely normal.
I wish some people that liked Queen and these styles of music would realize they are not immune from the subjectiveness of music tastes.
It's one of the bigger 'bubbles', if not the biggest, but certainly not the only one or I'd argue, the majority.
I like my choice of music to the point where most pieces invoke more joy and emotion to me than Bohemian Rhapsody, and I find it somewhat strange that even so long after it was released it still remains on top. That's completely different from what I like, where a new song can pretty much take the top spot at any time if it's good enough. If it's the same song every time, that's something I wouldn't consider a healthy level of innovation for a genre, but rather a sign that it has reached it's peak and has became seemingly permanently stale. At that point it feels to me that deep nostalgia keeps it in place, rather than it actually being the best current music has to offer.
There's nothing wrong with that though, nostalgia is a valid reason to like a song. But often some people that like that kind of music become militantly angry if you point that out. And then cite popularity contests that only people that like that kind of music participate in, to somehow say that everyone likes their music. And that in turn makes those contests seem kind of disingenuous since they claim they are finding the best music of all time. It's self selecting, because anyone that can't boost their specific music to the top because their genre still has healthy levels of competition and can't produce one piece that everyone agrees on, simply won't bother.
Just my two cents to an unpopular opinion. Again I don't mind people liking Queen's music, but I've had people literally be offended because I didn't want to listen to a group of men scream "Mama mia" in an attempt to burst my ear drums because they want the volume to be at 300% when that part starts, only to then also sing along for another volume boost. Anyone else doing that with their music would be told to mind their own business and keep the volume reasonable. It's the double standard and the denial of contrary opinions that I don't like. You can't expect everyone to like your music.
I don't understand how someone can dislike the choir singing and cheesy, campy, flamboyance of a bunch of different Queen songs, but thinks it's ok in Bohemian Rhapsody. Like, cheesy, campy, flamboyance is a staple of Queen's style. It's in all of their songs
Art is subjective, so there really are no wrong opinions, just disagreements. I strongly disagree with you, but that's OK. Fist bump bro, because it's different strokes that makes the world go round.
Now, if you say such things about RUSH.... cracks knuckles. ;-)
They really did suck. I tried to get into their catalog a number of times because I thought I was missing something due to the amount of people into them.
I don't think they suck per se, but oh god i remember when the queen craze and the rage comic phase overlapped and queen became the hottest band in the universe because the reddit hivemind decided it so. Want 1million upvotes, tell people how you're 12 but love queen.
Personally i don't listen to queen at all, because i think they are pretty lame, but i don't think they suck. Their "fans" are or were turbo annoying tho.
I couldn't agree more. Living in the UK I can tell you this is a dangerous opinion to hold. To me, their music is like nails on a chalk board. I cannot stand their music.
I could never quite explain why. I've always just put it down to taste. But it's annoying to have to deal with just how much EVERYONE loves them for some reason.
Like, there isn't much music I'd hate to hear more than Queen. I almost find it weird that this is the case. I sort of wish I liked them, so that there weren't so many occasions where I have to listen to music that I find shockingly bad.
It’s their importance in time and last power. You have your tastes and then we have what they mean external to you. You can choose to not like them and still value their importance to society.
Ooof. This is a good one. I appreciate your argument and reasoning. I thoroughly enjoy Queen, however I haven’t spent really any time evaluating their music as critically as you likely have.