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MNT Reform laptop ordered

You might recall that I was considering a MNT Reform laptop to replace my crappy HP laptop a few months ago.

Well, I got no answer or information of any kind anywhere (not just here on Lemmy), but the idea kept going round and round in the back of my head. And now, 5 months later, I find myself having to upgrade Mint to Wilma on my hateful HP laptop soon, and I already dread rebooting to the console because Xorg is dead again, having to downgrade to a working version of the kernel again, fighting the AMDGPU driver again, making the super-flaky and completely terrible wifi-cum-bluetooth Realtek 8821CE adapter work halfway decently again...

I hate this laptop. In fact, I hate it so much that I finally pulled the trigger on the MNT Reform laptop. Hopefully it'll get here before the need to upgrade becomes too pressing.

Stay tuned πŸ™‚

  • I wasn't aware of that project; it's extremely cool. Thanks for spreading awareness about it!

  • I own one, and am really happy with it. There is some jank to expect though:

    That said: Now that I have Gentoo running on it, and found workarounds for the most annoying issues (except for the suspend-to-disk issue), I am loving the laptop and would not trade it for anything else.

    • Well I'll see how it goes. It can't be anymore frustrating than my stupid HP laptop. Worst case, it is so unusable that I have to revert to the HP laptop. But I doubt it.

      Re OS, I'm not installing Gentoo. This is 2024 and I value my time πŸ™‚ As for Debian, I kind of intend to blow the partition and install Ubuntu 24.04 since I opted for the RK3588 module.

      I expect stuff won't work. That's okay: it comes with the territory with a machine such as this one. If I just wanted something speedy that works reliably with Linux and satisfies my repairability requirements, I'd have picked a Framework laptop.

      In fact I hesitated for quite some time, but in the end, I think the Reform will provide a lot more fun for a lot longer than a boring-ass it-just-works laptop. And the 18650 cells are a huge plus too: good luck finding another laptop with 18650s πŸ™‚

      • I am curious how much work it will be to modify that Ubuntu image to fully work on the Reform. The audio chip and some other peripherals are on the mainboard, and need to be included in the device tree for the kernel to pick them up, so I would expect that at least some modifications of the image are needed.

        It might already be enough to grab the device tree from the MNT gitlab, compile it, and put it in the boot partition for stuff to work. (You will likely also want to install the reform-tools - either from their gitlab or from their repository. They include a kernel module that is needed to get battery readout and to power off the laptop on shutdown.)

        What helped me a lot while setting up the system was that I kept the SD card with the official (Debian Unstable) image around - every time something didn't work, I could boot it up and check how the official image does it.

  • If you're using an AMD iGPU you should really consider one of the Wayland options.

    • I tried it. It's unstable either way. Not to mention, I can't really do Wayland because I have software I use all the time that rely on X.

      The problem is the driver with the AMD Radeon Vega 6 chipset: it's an older chipset and it's not well supported by either the amdgpu or amdgpu pro drivers. I mean it works well enough most of the time, but every once in a while, it starts corrupting the display so bad I have to reboot. It usually happens when waking up from sleep or - strangly - when taking a screenshot with Flameshot (really weird that one).

      I am reliably told that newer AMD stuff is better supported. That's great. But AMD obviously doesn't care about supporting the older Vega 6 chipset anymore, and I'm not exactly keen on debugging the open-source amdgpu driver to get better performances on a laptop that has other issues and that I can't stand anyway.