If the accounts spreading on WhatsApp and Telegram groups are true, the incident is far worse than 'just' rape and murder. The lady allegedly found evidence of expensive medicines being incorrectly listed as given to patients, and then being sold outside. The attack is alleged to have been meant to silence her, and scare other employees from speaking out. After her death, the crime scene was disturbed by the college authorities as part of a 'renovation'. Her body was cremated after a post-mortem done in the same hospital where she died, possibly by the same people who wanted to cover things up. Her death was initially called a 'suicide', despite her having multiple injuries on her neck (allegedly due to strangling), ankles, wrists (due to being tied up and beaten) and female organs. Finally, yesterday an unidentified mob broke into the hospital at night and vandalised records, just before the CBI were to start their investigations.
“Doctors nationwide are questioning what is so difficult about enacting a law for our security,” Dhruv Chauhan, from the Indian Medical Association’s Junior Doctors’ Network, told the Press Trust of India news agency. “The strike will continue until all demands are formally met.”
India was a British colony for a long-ass time. English is the second most known language in India behind Hindi. More than 10% of the population speaks at least some English. English is also prominent among more educated fields because many indians study abroad in the US and UK. On an article written in English it is common to use photos that readers can understand. I assume there were/are also Hindi sign that just aren't presented here.
The British first landed in India in Surat for the purpose of trade. Here's how and why a simple trading company, the British East India Company, became one of the biggest challenges the subcontinent had ever dealt with.
The British landed in India in Surat on August 24, 1608. While India has a rich and recorded history going back 4000 years to the Indus Valley Civilisation in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, Britain had no indigenous written language until the 9th century almost 3000 years after India. Then how was it possible for the British to start capturing this huge country and control it from 1757 to 1947?