Someone asking to see my YouTube recommendations is a good test for red flags, too. I’m not interested in a relationship with someone who will judge me based on an algorithm.
Bro legit took this one incredibly seriously and talked about the consequences of having to explain sudden freak accident deaths to pre-schoolers and how conspiracy theories would proliferate about Reagan being responsible because supposedly he had pushed for the launch to stay on schedule even when issues came up because the plan was for him to make s phone call to the crew of the ship from the SotU address that year.
Basically Reagan would go down in pop culture canon as being the man who murdered big bird, and whatever consequences that sprung from that would be the biggest shift vs present timeline instead of the obvious fact that big bird would be canonically dead since all the normal viewers would have seen him go up in a fireball and die.
I'm so happy to be out of the dating phase of my life. I wouldn't stand a chance with my tinfoil hat settings like deactivated recommendations, ad- and js-blocking and auto-deleting all cookies when closing a tab.
I actually have YouTube history turned off and rarely if ever watch something that I'm not subscribed to, namely, a maths nerd,
two tech channels, some musical people and the guy who makes sausages.
Next time I talk to a girl at a party, I'm gonna ask to see her browser history "because it's a good test for red flags." Judging someone by what they watch or read is stupid. Judging someone by what YT thinks they would like to watch is even worse. I know this is completely besides the point, and it is just a meme, but judgy behavior like that irks me.
Pseudo-Spirituality is a good thing to look out for
The amount of guys who think the seventh principle of Hermeticism is a reason to be a sexist dick...
Edit: For the record, it's gender. The idea that Gender must be kept in balance.. I've actually seen incels say that they don't get laid because they let too much "Feminine energy" into their lives, and they need to "Man up" and "Reject these new fangled woke ideals"
The Seventh Principle is keeping Gender in balance WITHIN YOURSELF, embracing both your masculine and feminine traits. As an occultist it just pisses me off when I see fucking these pseudo-spiritual dickbags qouting the Seventh Principle to do the OPPOSITE and just double down on being toxic edgelords.
It's almost worse then the white girls who claim to be an expert on life after death because they had glow-in-the-dark star stickers on their ceiling as a kid.
I don't watch YouTube on mobile, this app is an ancient Vanced version that doesn't even work, and newpipe hasn't worked for me recently either. If there is a YT vid I absolutely have to watch on mobile I rawdog it in Firefox with ubp