Names blurred to protect the innocent / crazy. Not trying to call anyone out, just thought the response was hilarious and highly disproportionate. Like, they distinguished that comment (green border/background).
For reference, the comment I presume that was downvoted that apparently triggered that response was to the tune of "BoTH SiDEz!!!!" with some hyper generalizing / stereotyping on the side.
Talk about reddit brained. Why do downvotes matter to so many people? There is no karma count except for individual comments. You don't know what someone downvotes for so why get worked up over it?
If you don’t like downvotes (like me!) join an instance with disabled downvotes. Simple solution. I don’t know why OOP hasn’t disabled downvotes on their instance.
Maybe they downvote without commenting because they get banned when they comment?
Idk the instance, but it's pretty funny calling down voting undemocratic when it's the only means of voting on comments and you effective rigged that election lol
I agree. I didn't say they shouldn't be allowed to enforce their own rules. I just said their justification of those rules was stupid. They're allowed to be stupid, it's their instance
Maybe I'm in the minority, but I am of the firm belief after much deliberation and consideration that it actually is awesome that downvotes are public and it makes for a much more responsible voting environment overall. To suffer the problems of bots and agitators is not preferable to this small but meaningful way of encouraging highlighting the opinions of actual human beings more democratically
Obviously, we should try to move from the up/down system to a more granular one, but for now it seems fair to call out people who abuse the system by systematically downvoting content they disagree with.
If you don't like a community, just block it and move on. If a comment or post breaks the rules, report it.
When you wrestle a pig, you both get dirty and the pig enjoys it. Some people aren't worth arguing with. Down voting because a comment adds nothing to the discussion also often gets mistaken for down voting because you disagree, especially if the person being down voted is a troll just looking for ANY response to feed their need to fight.
Really, how dare we downvote someone on their own server? It's silencing and undemocratic and they have no real arguments and are all American puppets anyway.
This user and those who agree with them are the only reasonable people. In fact, agreeing with them is the only way to be reasonable. \s
You can search for the text if you want (which should find it for you), but I'm not here to out anyone. I just thought the crazy-ass response was hilarious and worthy of a post here.
I just thought the crazy-ass response was hilarious and worthy of a post here.
Not sure their reaction deserves such derogatory terms.
I post in a few non-English communities. There was a time when posts would instantly get downvoted, most probably because people didn't speak the language and did not know how to configure it in their settings. As a consequence, the content would usually get buried, when not completely vanish from the feeds (there was a bug at the time that wouldn't show any post with 0 votes)
I can imagine what it would feel like if I were to have "controversial" stances, and where people would systematically downvote by content. That's borderline harassment, and can frustrate quite fast.
As I said in another comment: if you don't like a community, block it and move on. As long as content is not illegal or breaks any regulations, just let the people be. What is the point of purposely go to a community you have nothing to do with just to downvote stuff?
I can understand the reaction of the OP here.
On top of that, as Lemmy is so small that they got instantly identified, that makes things even worse.
So what that made me mad? And you are aware that it does? Is it really nice to post this stuff even when its "blurred" so people can laugh at me? Is that really an adult thing to do? You absolutely are trying to call me out, you are being cruel. If you don't like what I have to say block me and move on, what you did is vicious and mean spirited.
Why bother participating and paying for this when I'm treated like shit by drive by people, like yourself. You even participated in my content but as soon as I'm not lock step in support of your fascist government and show any kind of emotions, I'm crazy. Never mind I have a stressful job, never mind that I am lonely and set this up to keep up with my friends and now just to get shit on by anonymous. Never mind my family has been repeatedly victimized by the US government. I didn't meet your standards so now you must ridicule me, denigrate me as crazy and get a crowd of people to laugh?
Delete this post and fuck off. Leave me, my instance and my friends who use this the fuck alone. I defederated your instance and will block you after this. Feel free to post this publicly and denigrate me some more if you need to with your crew of mean spirited people like yourself who must silence everything and call it crazy for being different.
The only crazy-ass thing is someone who is supposedly an adult acting like a child and being cruel. Go away.
If your instance is on 0.19.0 or above, you can block instances at the user level. You won't see posts from any community there, but you will see posts from users there to communities on other instances, and you will still see comments from users on that instance.
It basically works as a "block all communities from this instance".
I do think it's unfortunate that votes aren't public to non-instance-owners. That'd be a nice thing to change. I might see if I can find any existing tickets on the topic or whatever.
(Sorry, I know it's weird to make two top-level comments on the same post, but this one's sufficiently unrelated to my other one, I figured it made sense.)
Everyone can see the count of both upvotes and downvotes. But instance owners can also see the usernames of who upvoted and who downvoted a given post/comment. (Probably also the list of all posts/comments a given user has upvoted/downvoted, I think?) And not just users on the same instance. Users from other instances too.
I think I've heard that the usernames of users who upvoted/downvoted things are also public info on Kbin. (Not just to instance owners, but also to regular users.)
Good to know. Looks like that backend change is in Lemmy version 0.19.4 and newer (which is why it didn't work with a {"error":"not_an_admin"} when I ran a test on Lemmy.World which is still on 0.19.3 using a post in a community I'm a mod of). Thanks for pointing me to that PR.