Someone told me they saw people on Facebook complaining that the Olympics opening ceremony was too diverse. I was like, did they want to have an Olympics with all other countries banned?? That already exists, and it's called national championships. Otherwise, a sports competition that includes the entire world is going to include people from the entire world. I don't understand what they Olympics in Paris with only White USA??
I mean, they're on FB, so ya, they probably thought something like that, if their thoughts even went beyond the words themselves.
It's like imagining what a lizard thinks about you, it's easy and fun to project your intelligence on it, this is what you're doing here. You're projecting your intelligence and logic on others apparently without that capacity. Those FB people didn't think about what their words meant any more than a lizard wonders about your nature.
Yeah I got a older co worker who behaves in a way that strikes me as very undiagnosed autistic of his generation. He went on a whole rant about how the Olympics should be like a family reunion where you have to mask your less socially acceptable behaviours and cannot just be yourself because you shouldn't always be yourself around your family for the sake of overall unity...
And yeah... I was just thinking how sad that was. Like bro. We've since realized how toxic that is to people and our generation is trying to undo that expectation and damage. The neurotypical flattening of self expression always was a tyranny, you just normalized it.
It’s a bit exhausting that everyone is so focused on the people not worth mentioning all the time. Not only we drown in lots of trash from these Facebook people but then others spread it everywhere else too. I hoped it would be a positive post for a change
I'm glad they provide them every year though. Lots of young, fit, attractive people means lots of fucking.
I would be curious to know how many pregnancies result from the Olympics every time anyway though. At least some of the people won't use protection most likely.
Generally they're a set of people used to controlling every aspect of their body and its performance, and they're on the wrong side of a four year window if they want to go to the games again. I don't doubt they're getting it on, but I'd bet they're also more proactive about birth control.
Here in Latin America we make fun of how many Olympic representatives from European countries are not white, but then their internal policies attack non-white people.
I understand that the Olympics is very diverse and that's fantastic. But for people who think diversity isn't our strength, would watching the Olympics really challenge that idea for them? In other words, would they actually think that the Olympics being diverse makes the Olympics "stronger"?
I think this tweet is missing the fact that these people would prefer the Olympics if it wasn't diverse, and it would be better in their eyes if it wasn't. In their eyes, its strength doesn't come from diversity.
I can see someone making some dumbass argument like "oh yeah if diversity is our strength why are all the runners black?" or something like that. Racists aren't squirming in their seats while watching the Olympics like this tweet suggests, even if I wish they were.
That's a good point. Though I'd say at least part of that was nationalism. I think today's racists are a bit more desensitized to Olympic diversity since it has been the norm for so long (which it hadn't been back then). The people I know that think like this understand that some people are better at some things and that naturally breeds diversity, but they'll use that as an excuse. For example they let it reinforce an "all brawn no brains" stereotype of certain ethnicities. Whereas I think Hitler wanted to believe or push the idea of complete superiority in all aspects of one race.
But it's not just that one example, they will find any amount of reasons and excuses to accept the current reality while also accepting their anti-diverse beliefs. And they'll believe there is no contradiction. At least, a lot of them will.
America became an Olympic powerhouse largely because of its diversity. People of all colors and creeds show up wearing the stars and stripes and bring home medals.
Even during times of overt racism, diversity was a message we carried to the Olympics.
When Hitler said it was distasteful to have black people and Jews at the Olympics, the US nearly boycotted the 1936 games. But instead we sent Jesse Owens over to win 4 gold medals.
Interesting fact: Hitler was asked to treat all winners the same, so after Owens won the 100m Hitler stopped congratulating any winners for the rest of the Games.
No, because we already have to have diverse skillsets just to keep the world turning and average corporations moving. If they can't look at their own bloc and see the diversity needed, they can't scale that scope to the world. Diversity isn't just a strength, its a necessity.
In the same way that Woke, DEI, CRT, PC, and so on are just a drop in replacement for the n-word (and sometimes gay slurs), this is just a very stupid fearful person saying they didn't like seeing black people on TV. There is no further analysis going on.
They have no interest or even awareness of the skill on display. you could replace it with anything else and as long as they could complain about it with their coworkers they would barely even notice.
Yes, they are, and unlike Germany our racists didn't volunteer to get killed enmass on the Eastern Front. They just got old and bitter, and passed it on to their children as best they could.
I think it's also rather important in the context of racial history to quote Jesse Owens directly on the matter of national leaders.
"Hitler didn't snub me- it was [Roosevelt] who snubbed me."
And all the other 18 African-Americans who earned golf medals, Roosevelt did not congratulate a single one, but did offer congratulations to the white athletes.
Of course, that context might simply have been Jesse not realizing that Hitler's "congratulatory" wave to him, a Nazi salute, after some of his victories probably meant something far different to Jesse than it meant to Hitler, but it doesn't change the fact that we don't need to compare modern American racists' Olympic reactions to Hitler's.
We have, and have had always had, plenty of our own to compare.