Live in-ear monitoring system
Live in-ear monitoring system
So to start this community with a question I have myself.
A little bit of context:
I am a drummer, and for shows currently using a Behringer in-ear system where I will get a mono or stereo xlr as input.
This is already a lot better than having to rely on the wedge and I have a little bit of control over at least the volume.
The rest of the band is currently using the wedges.
I would like to upgrade this setup a bit to have more control over what i will hear on my in-ears, and be it more consistent for every show. Next step would be to get the other members to also use it.
Any recommendations on what would be a good starting point that is not immediately breaking the bank, but can be expanded over time and gives us that control.
- The band consists of 5 people. (1 drums, 2 guitars, 1 bass, 1 vocals)
- We bring our own sound engineer to shows
- price range around ~ 1000 euros