As a member of Generation X, I would say that it's not going to be much better.
Just look at, say, Elon Musk as an example of the kind of people from my generation who get to positions of influence.
Most GenX are the product of the Neoliberal era, so have interiorized the whole "lookout for numero uno" idea of how to be in society and whilst commonly aware of things like Climate Change, they're usually unwilling to inconvenience themselves for the sake of fighting against it, quite the contrary even (just look at how well SUVs sell), and similarly when it comes to Consumerism, they seem to be the most prone to wasteful consumption (the kind of people who replace their mobile phones every year or two).
In summary, Gen X generally are more well informed than Boomers but even less principled than them.
Generational cohorts are all just made up nonsense. It just exists to distract the working class from what we have in common with each other and what separates us from the working class. I, a millennial, have much more in common with a working class baby boomer, than I do with a rich and powerful millennial.
Stop encouraging these artificial divides. Build solidarity across the working class of all ages. And stop playing into the media’s narratives.
Kamala was born in 64. She's a boomer. Also, GTFO with Generation Jones. She's a boomer.
X-ers are those who came after the pill became omnipresent after the mid 60s. I am one of those (born in 77). We are relatively few in numbers in comparison to the boomers. Because of the pill.
Also GTFO with Generation Jones. She's a boomer.
Trump and Biden also aren't boomers. They predate the boomers. They were born during or shortly after WW2. That's usually called the silent generation. Trump being part of the silent generation is of course ridiculous. But he's the exception of the rule, I guess. But both are born very late in that generation, so they are its last remnants I guess. Soon they will all be gone.
Gen X is too small to matter. Millennials are stepping up and will compete with Boomers for a little while until they finally take over. Thing about Millennials though is that it is a very K shaped generation. About half have had decent success and are conservative/liberal and the other half have been absolutely crushed so it's kind of a mixed bag and as long as the Boomers have any influence not much is likely to change. GenZ is bigger than Millennials though and should be right behind them. They are very different and much more politically radical, on both the left and right. Things are likely to change with them.
I'm amused with all the people who think there's some hard line where you have to be born before or after some exact year to be of a named generation as if this wasn't all made up. A baby didn't get labeled Gen-X if they were born after midnight on a certain day.
As far as I'm concerned, she's Gen-X. She was 13 when Star Wars came out.
Gen X isnt much better tbh. They grew up during the golden age of the boomer era where society had not started to breakdown yet. Some of them may have progressive views, but I bet it won't be until millenials are in charge that we start to see meaningful change. Gen Z will really get into progressivism I bet.