Dear all,
Let me first define a couple of things that the community is being faced with:
- Our current governance is not working. With the things we're facing and the
current model / Board rules……
Considering the recent news/proposal from SUSE about OpenSUSE rebranding - what do you think would be some fitting names for the distro/community?
Here's a silly idea: what about ZagrOS? "Zagros" is the name of the mountain range where the ancient city of Susa used to be. It's like the city was too small for the project, so they took over the whole mountain range, so they went from [open]SUSE to ZagrOS.
Don't they already have the names Leap and Tumbleweed? Changing the name to Leap would make sense since it's the name of the "official LTS" version. At this point it sounds like "openSUSE" is the name of the project and not the distro. But I haven't been following them closely, so perhaps I'm wrong.
I'd suggest "Spicious Linux", but it's a 5/10 pun at best, and too similar to "specious" which means "sounds legit but isn't"; not necessarily a good look.
"Opus" borrows letters and sounds good, but speaking of sounds, it's the name of a sound codec, so maybe not a good choice.
"Abstruse" has similar problems to "specious"...
"ChameleOS" is the name of a dragon in a game.
I figure if I run through all the bad ideas here, only good ones will be left... but that might well be specious.
This is my analysis of the situation:
The name OpenSUSE is bad marketing and does need to change. I remember when I was choosing my distro the name was downright off-putting and made me initially overlook it as an option. It does not do OpenSUSE any favors.
The mascot and logo are very good, however. It is a solid design. Easily recognizable, somewhat cute and friendly looking. I even made it my app launcher menu button because I liked it so much.
The problem is that it is very difficult to base marketable name based on a chameleon. "ChamOS" or "Linux Cham" (pronounced "Kam" ), seems like a logical choice. However, people would just pronounce it "sham", which isn't making it any favors. You would have to drop the "H".
Ultimately, the name has to follow the conventions of other distros. Such as "linux X" or "X OS", where X is an easily pronounceable name with preferably fewer syllables.
My suggestion for names that would relate to the logo :
I started trying to read through the thread, but there's clearly a lot of context that I don't have. Is anyone able to give a brief summary that would explain what this is all about?
OpenDistro should identify the community tools used for building the various distro. One distinctive aspect of OpenSUSE is how it is easy to create new distro, or custom repositories. So it should be the focus of the new naming scheme.