"How do I make the no-no thing be a yes-yes thing?!"
Our DnD discord group has a whole ass 'out of context' channel. Best decision we've ever made, granted half of them is my character, the party clown. Here are some other bangers over the years:
"She knows how to ride a clippity clop."
"Ah so you want it so when you die there's a magical turfwar over your body."
"the horse is a horse....i dont think he understands the concepts"
"It's not Delivery, it's Human Trafficking!"
"Don't tell my dad I died for toenails"
"It's pulsating. It shouldn't be because it's a fucking rock."
"Jesus Christ! I mean... Bahamut Jr!"
"There was a scary forest!" "SCARY FOREST IS NOT AN ANSWER"
"That's Renn! He's like a dead squirrel."
"Who wants to do coke with the illithid?"
"I agree, other voice in my head."
"When a corpse bee and another corpse bee love each other and don't dance..."
"I emotionally abuse you and you bring me waffles. Thanks babe."
"Does your house have a garden?" "Probably."
"Should I go... unwhisk it?"
"I heard it from the Oracle Beyoncé."
"I'm sorry Renn, I love you, but fuck the rich."
"I forgot that we have one brain cell in the party and it currently blinked away."
"We can have one little terrorism. As a treat."
"Hey, it's not our fault this Earth Elemental is made of door."
"Roll a d20." "10." "...fuck." "Does that fuck up your plans or mine? (Panicking)" "Yours." "...fuck!"
"If you would be inclined for a little adventure today, would you mind following me? Oh and it's mandatory because I've already made arrangements."
"Can we just like acknowledge that she just did the anime "Oh ho ho ho!" laugh when you called her out on that?"
"You ripping peoples faces off, that's entirely on you. Get some help."
"I'm-uh-w-Lady.... I'm not above hitting a woman."
"I have cocaine, does that count?"
You ate a goodberry so you should be full for the rest of the day" "True""Well you can be full and a fatass""Just shut up and play your silly little game with your silly little characters and don't come for me like that"
"Does a 26 hit?" "... fuck you.".
"Why doesn't Misty have a mustache?"
"No matter who you play you gotta either fuck with his body or his heart!"
"The undead not dead thing is right" "Please call me Renn" "I'll never remember that" "It's literally shorter"
"Why must I be surrounded by lesbians? ... I fear your kind." (For the record this was said by both a gay character and player)
"Can I pick up Renn? He's a twink, right?"
"You're a second rate duelist with a third rate meal"
"Just gives me the confidence that she would choke me"
Okay sorry I ended up pasting way more in than I expected.... I just love this group and don't get to share these with anyone. Just such ridiculous nonsense.
Edit: Also I just remembered. I actually do have the context for that 'no no thing' line. That one is mine from my 7'2 barbarian aarakocra jokey boy. We recorded parts of sessions and caught the no no thing bit. Here if you wanna listen to it. although I don't blame you the slightest if you don't.
I've also got a stupidly long soundcloud clip of highlights from a game a couple months ago here. It includes a bunch of the quotes pasted above.
I was playing a frost giant fighter, and I found a dragon egg. I asked the town vet (who the DM made up on the spot) how I could hatch the egg and raise the dragon as my own. The vet told me that dragons cannot be tamed, and that dragons bond with their mothers in the womb, and then, the egg must be laid. My line, "But I don't have a cloaca", and the vet shrugs. Queue Always Sunny theme music, "The Gang Kidnaps a Druid". In the end, I gave birth to my dragon buddy, and I named him Pellinore, and we had many great adventures until I found a bell that reversed aging, and Pellinore turned back into an egg, and the campaign ended before he hatched, again. I'm GMing the new campaign that is all homebrew, and Pellinore is making a comeback, though.
"I think that Ashenthroat guy might be a Dragon in disguise"
"Kill it!!! But don't hurt it, awwww."
"Don't worry GM, I wont make you improvise info on every single soldier NPC. - Ok, so you there, what's your name and why are you here?"
"If we take every hostile NPC we come across prisoner to await a 100% death-sentence, instead of killing them here and now, we'll have to start building concentration camps soon and I don't know if that's actually better or worse."
"Maybe don't kill the beast?" - "Too late, running now!"
"Gentlemen, can't we solve this peacefully?" - "Yes, of course, we're always ready to talk. But only if it ends with you dead." - "You seemed to have missed the point there."
Long term 5e game, was in it's 4th year. Wife was playing a lvl 15 cleric that had taken a vow of celibacy but fell in love with an npc. They had been courting for about a year in game and she was about ready to break her vow, changing her alignment, and multi classing her character. But a cataclysmic event occurred causing the complete destruction of the capital city, killing thousands. As meteors of fire rained down on them, they ran through the city towards the air ship docs. As the npc rounded a corner, I had her roll to see if he misses getting hit by a ball of fire. She rolled just well enough that he misses dying, but is at 1 hp (I gave him 10). Bleeding from a massive head wound, she takes the half speed penalty to help him the last 200 ft to the air ship. Forgetting she had a mace that let her cast a teleport spell up to 1,000 ft to any place she was familiar with.
I make her roll every 30 ft to avoid another strike. She passes most as I set the DC only at 12. But about 170 or so ft with one roll left she nat 1s. She then looks up at the sky and screams "IS THIS BECAUSE WE HAVEN'T HAD SEX YET?" I asked her if she is asking her god, and she thinks for a second before saying "Fuck it, YES!" So I tell her, as the words leave your lips, a sudden burst of energy and inspiration strikes you, and you remember you have magic that could get you to the ship. Her eyes go wide, and she yells "SON OF A BITCH! I cast teleport from the mace to bridge of the ship." She and her Partner instant teleport.
After everyone else gets aboard, the airship begins to lift off. I make the party roll one last avoidance roll so the ship doesn't get hit. 2 nat 20's and the rest in the mid to upper teens. So the ship flees the city as it burns and crumbles into flame, ash and rubble behind them. Danger averted, and with questions of what exactly happened. She grabs her lover's hand and storms off to her room yelling to the party. "Don't disturb us for at least and hour." The table erupted in laughter and cheers and I describe them marching below deck followed by the slamming of a door. She broke her vow, leveled up and multi classed her cleric into a rouge.
I’m a mod over at !outofcontextdnd@lemmy.world and would love to see some activity! I started it to keep track of some of my own group’s quotes, but the group has been on a two week break for the past four or five months now.
I'm at work at the moment but I'll stop by with a compilation after work! Our group has a bunch and some audio clips that id love to share with people!
Talking to my Steel Defender. But yes, I am a warlock. And I was wrong, he didn't have a soul, he had TWO souls. Inside this wolf there are two wolves. One wolf wants to be a good boy for his master, and the other wants to be a good boy for his maker's Patron. And they hate each other.
This isn't strictly no context, but it blew me away and I wanted to share it anyway.
I started D&D with the family over quarantine. They had a quest to clear the goblins out of a mine. They got inside and dealt with most of them. They over powered three of them and tied them up, so that they could be interrogated.
My 9 year old then decides he wants to murder them.
Our faces when we realised our child was a murderhobo.
Turns out the only fire damage we had in our stash was an enchanted dagger.
In retrospect, I should have asked for incendiary ammunition. Among the five of us, we had at least three with guns. Or taken a bit of gas for our car to turn into Molotov cocktails. Ah well, it was a oneshot that happened more than a year ago.
Funny you should mention dragging a door, some friends and I managed to manifest a magical cart under some huge adamantine doors so we could cart them away. It was lovely.
In a Palpatine voice: "Spicy beef"
"Have you ever thought 'I'm kinda hungry, but not hungry enough to eat a whole potato'?"
"I don't like the wanking corner"
Unfortunately the enemy is 100 feet away so you missed”
“Also they attack aaaand…. You’re dead”
Because i am incapable of giving no context
Tap for spoiler
It was my first time playing DnD and the DM wasn’t the nicest person so I didn’t get a good first impression of the game but I should really get into it at some point
You're exactly correct. That guy was either autism levels of social unawareness and being an asshole, or isn't and is a major asshole and not your friend. That's not what you do to players showing a new interest in D&D. Sorry you experienced that. I hope you give it another try soon!
Oh he was socially aware he was just not nice to say the least
I’ve been meaning to play dnd cus chaos funny moments but I just haven’t
My gf is trying to get me to play Baldurs Gate and is making a Vampire Masquerade campaign but idk when that’s happening so maybe that’ll be gateway lol
"You can't pass through here. We're waiting for the inquisition." - "We are the inquisition." sets fire to the stakes and immediately moves on (No, they weren't the inquisition.)
"What is this summoning circle supposed to be? It's all smudged! Did you tip over that candle and just put it up again without fixing the circle? Did you reuse this circle? Is that a lump of unsecured unmetal over there on the table? Have you idiots ever heard anything of elementary workplace safety?!" (Said after a demon summoning by the demon the PCs summoned. For reference, unmetal has the bad habit of going nuclear if exposed to too much magic.)
"You haven't lived until you've done a jumping puzzle in a non-Euclidean space."
"What is your opinion on trees?" - "Trees... are."
"Talk to the hand." (A demonologist trying to banish one of the most powerful entities in the setting with a low-end banishment spell and a pentagram scrawled into his palm.)
That's all I can think of right now because also tired. But yeah, that campaign was wild.
We play over, whatever video conference program Google uses, it has auto transcription as a "service" (fuck you Google, but thanks for the ability to connect with friends I guess? Mind your own game business though please?)
When we take breaks sometime we read the logs and try to figure out what was actually said from the "transcript" it's delightful in its incompetence, we sometimes find ourselves reading the chat logs more than rolling the dice.
Me, the DM: You return from behind the tent, nude. Elyse the Erinyes returns from behind the tent wearing your clothing. The ogre returns from behind the tent wearing her clothing.
"All right, it seems that Bob cannot speak, so instead we're going to talk to the next best thing: The chair"
Context: Bob was a guy that was imprisoned on a chair of living wood at a living wood teatable. When he tried to speak, flowers came out of his mouth instead. This sentence was uttered by our bard when he asked the druid to cast Speak with Plants on the living chair.