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  • My experience with anarchists since the start of this war has completely destroyed any faith I had in it being any kind of honestly held or principled ideology. It's simply a set of excuses for liberals to pretend they're progressives and nothing much more. Jumping from one American imperialist propaganda point to the next seamlessly, from Libya to Xinjiang, Taiwan to Ukraine. It's just a right wing Libertarian's idea of what a leftist is.

    • It doesn't have much to do with anarchism though. Most of them just sound like "progressive" liberals with run of the mill racist and orientalist perceptions of Russia, China and the rest of the third world that Westerners have.

      • I think it kind of does have something to do with anarchists being unprincipled, and then easily swayed.

        If someone's an online anarchist, with no real community, no clear political line, and no interest in reading theory, then they're going to be easily influenced.

  • Vaush to his audience

  • Know exactly how the poor fella feels 😞.

  • Classic anarchist moment.