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[SPOILER] Appears on NXT (June 18, 2024)

EDIT: See comments for spoiler...

  • Also available on YouTube if you don't have or want to use X-Twitter.

    Spoiler Title

    NXT believes, clap clap. It's Joe Hendry!

    • I know I've seen a lot of people talking about Joe maybe coming over, glad to see it happen!

      Might need to start doing NXT discussion threads with all this going on lol.

      Edit: He mighta been out first, but it took em all to get it done!

      Edit: Full match was uploaded by WWE too

  • I fucking died. Then I laughed my fucking ass off after what happened

  • We may have to start putting spoilers in comments, because this is how it appears in the Voyager app:

    • This looks like a bug, can you report it on GitHub?

      • Not who you're responding to but - Assuming based off your profile that you're the voyager dev: Just be aware it's not exclusively a voyager problem. Same problem Neon's describing also happens on other apps (Boost for Lemmy for example).

    • I agree, I thought putting bullet points in front of it might stop that. I'll remember this if I post more spoilers.

      • Yeah it seems to be just anything on that first line of a post or comment since that's what the apps grab as a preview of the post, same happens on Boost (like Cadeillac said) anytime I see it.

        Long as the spoiler code starts anywhere but the first line of the body it seems fine.

    • Same on Boost, I've just been very careful lol