For context, I'm a Juneteenth baby. But it makes sense that Nintendo wouldn't do a Direct on what's now considered a national holiday. That said, if Nintendo's reading this, I'll gladly accept a new Rhythm Heaven game as my early birthday...
"Join us for a #NintendoDirect livestream focused on #NintendoSwitch games coming in the second half of 2024! There will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during this presentation."
While this is true I would recommend choosing just a few of your favourite games from each console, in which case you can probably fit your all time fav games from every Nintendo console on a 256gb SD card, and probably a 32GB for all you faves pre Wii.
As someone who has an overwhelmingly large ROM library, I often find I have nothing to play because my library is too large.
This is the Direct where they announce Twilight Princess and Wind Waker for the Switch. I can feel it! I wish they would, but I’m not holding my breath.
Yeah, if I remember correctly they’ve said they’ve been working on or have completed a remastered Oracle of Ages/Seasons in the style of Link’s Awakening.
I waited for years for them to release them on the switch and I finally just emulated them on the steam deck. Not sure why Nintendo doesn't want my money