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Unsure where to post but does anyone else think beehaw is s little too closed off?

Personally, While i appreciate the good moderation and have never had issues here. I have noticed that communities are a lot smaller when viewed from here?

Anyone else think here is a little too closed off?

  • I don't really mind. I created an alt on a larger lemmy instance a while back to subscribe to meme communities, and to be quite honest the comments are really bad, frequently as bad or worse than Reddit. I think Beehaw is just aiming for something different than other instances. Then again, I'm old enough to have been part of forums where the pace of discussions was much slower than most aggregator style sites are today so it doesn't really bother me.

    • I've done the same and feel the same way. I'm still active on Reddit because I want to be an active part of helping people who have questions. I don't feel the larger Lemmy community wants that so much as to complain about things. I certainly have things to complain about in life, but I don't feel it's healthy for me to engage with spaces that are going to cause more issues than they resolve.

  • No. I came here for a nice place and I'm uninterested in instances that Beehaw defederated from and in banned users.

    I subscribed to basically every Beehaw community plus some communities from federated instances, and I browse by "'Subscribed".

    More activity would always be cool, but I don't miss doomscrolling through reposts and trolls on other platforms either so.

  • in all honesty, I don't really want to have to spend all my time blocking and curating when I just want to contribute when I can. I usually don't visit a ton of other lemmy instances, and the ones I do I don't really comment in, either. maybe I'm overly anxious and skittish, but at the same time, I'm 1) very much already tired and don't want to spend a ton of time curating a block list and 2) just trying to find a community to fit in where I'm comfortable.

    I know I'm not the most active by far, but I don't want this community to open up just so we can have more content. more content to me doesn't always equal good content, I guess.

    • This is what it seems like every instance admin has not wanted to acknowledge: that tolerating the intolerant will destroy us.

      Fortunately v0.19.4 has some new features that look like they may help - particularly the ability to label a community with a warning, like : "⚠️ You are about to enter the cesspit of human behavior that actively defends genocide (by mods removing all contrary facts), so long as it is done by the Right people (Russia, or ironically also Left, China)."

      It's like the tiniest step that could possibly be done, and it leaves the ability for users to place comments in every post across the Fediverse too - unlike a bona fide instance block, although to my knowledge there are no major instances that actually defederates from them.

      • It’s like the tiniest step that could possibly be done, and it leaves the ability for users to place comments in every post across the Fediverse too - unlike a bona fide instance block, although to my knowledge there are no major instances that actually defederates from them.

        The fact that even Beehaw admins haven't defederated from them is probably an indication that their users are not that problematic.

    • And you would be ... 🤣

      I do kid. I enjoy that we have the options to dive into the deep end elsewhere or just hang out in a space where bullshit is quickly quashed. I'm here for discussion and to be active in ensuring this is a place I never find myself regretting joining.

      Is it what everyone wants? Of course not, but that was never the intent of Beehaw to my knowledge. I'm glad you're happy here and hope you continue to feel that way. And, you know what? Fuck anyone who tells you not to be happy with what you have. This is not Beehaw- or Lemmy-specific, this is life. Never let anyone else bring you down for what you're comfortable with.

  • I don't mind so much, to be honest. Like @TheRtRevKaiser said, I'm an old dog in a labcoat on the internet and asynchronous discussions aren't uncomfortable. I have an anonymous account elsewhere and I don't generally check it anymore, because I'm plenty happy with the conversations that do federate here. Besides, being here has definitely been good for my generalized terminally-online anxiety.

  • I think that the best thing you could do is choose a different instance that is federated with more instances.

    I remember the admins saying that they already conducted a survey of their users and a majority were fine with staying defederated from and where a majority of users and content is being made. So currently they probably are fine with where they are. It is a matter of what kind of space they are trying to create.

    Also you if you appreciate the moderation here you can always choose an instance that federates with beehaw so you can keep using their communities which is where most of the moderation happens anyways.

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  • I think it's not closed off enough, given that I regularly see accounts from other instances post comments that go against the goals and spirit set by Beehaw.

    At the same time, I think we don't have enough of a new content stream. I don't think opening up is a good solution though. That would mean losing what sets Beehaw apart.

  • In short, and mirroring what seems to the general sentiment: no. I like it here, and I like the heavy moderation and intolerance towards intolerance 🙂

    I've yet to see a Beehaw de-federation action that I disagree with.

  • Because of it being so closed off I've hopped instances

    And honestly I'm probably going to hop again because having down votes disabled isn't very good IMO

    Edit: 1 big thing though that I wish existed Lemmy wide would be if you have a comment or post removed (hell even bans) you get a message to your inbox. As it currently stands it just happens and unless you check mod logs you'll never know.

    • Could say the same about mastodon,

      How is blahaj zone?

      • It's pretty chill in general and is well moderated

        It's has the occasional instability day here and there but it gets sorted out pretty quick

        They don't federate down votes and you can't give them out which IMO isn't the best

        But I'd say it's a nice place overall

  • So... Yes and no. Yes from the perspective that there can be a feeling of FOMO and some entire communities on the big instances that see a lot of activity that you can't access here. I use to see those. But the thing is when I log into slrpnk (which is VERY well moderated) it doesn't take me long to find some horrible awfulness that has found a platform here in the fediverse. Genocide denial, alt right bullshit, authoritarian communist bullshit (which isn't even communism, GODDAMMIT), it's all out there right under the surface across some of the biggest Lemmy instances. Its bad enough it makes me not want to log into log in to see what's going on on Lemmy most days, so I don't. I probably check beehaw about once a week and slrpnk about once a month.

    I'm very excited to see where sublinks goes and if they can put together a version of a federated link aggregator with moderation tools that work

    • Yea. Lemmy is home to a lot of shitheads :c

    • One thought is to try user blocking Unlike an instance block a user one is not sufficient bc you can still view the comments, and I'm pretty sure that they can still downvote you (occasionally they have been known to coordinate mass downvoting campaigns on Matrix too, people say), so all it really does is block communities from those instances from showing in your All feed, and if someone replies to you then you won't receive a notification to that effect. Otherwise it's back to blocking users one by one...

      I wish there was a major, known instance somewhere that defederated from Even Kbin.Social does not though.

      It will indeed be interesting to see how Sublinks will improve things.:-)

  • No. I'm jacked off with all the crap that comes from Lemmy and the sooner that Beehaw drops Lemmy the better. So many bots and trolls there. If you're not a flag waving Hamas apologist you're a Trumper. It's a cesspit.

  • No. I have a few fediverse accounts, Beehaw, Kbin, Leminal, SlrPnk, and 2 mastodon ones that I made cause I didn't know what would stick.

    Beehaw is by far my favorite. It looks like most of my issues are already covered here. specifically is so awful, for every 1-3 normal, chill people looking for a reddit alternative there's 5-10 powermods and powerusers who make it just unbearable. It's the same for quite a few others too, that at this point I can't even keep track.

    In order of values based on curation, Beehaw, Kbin, Slpnk/Leminal. Beehaw needs no curation as it is curated, Kbin despite the issues lately has generally been great, a few users who act poorly but that's just a widespread thing online. It's really just been the spam accounts lately. Then... Instances that are federated with .world/etc like slrpnk and leminal, by default it's just so awful to read. Browsing not logged in on places? Oh man. The perspectives, rhetoric, and visible mod abuse is just so bad right now thanks to the U.S. political year, in some ways worse than Reddit pre-extreme corpo takeover.

    Because of all of this, I really appreciate how easy Beehaw is. You can talk philosophy and have differences of opinion and it's not something that lingers. Beehaw, like a small community, has people you recognize and see around and I appreciate everyone I see here, and rarely have I disagreed. And I'm not coming from an echo-chamber perspective, but the way we carry ourselves. The snark here is minimal, humorous, and when it happens, seems warranted. When it isn't, genuine apology occurs. That's something that doesn't happen often. People put effort into comments, there's occasional one-liners which I'm guilty of myself when I'm just browsing or tired or it's just something that doesn't have much to go deep into.

    So the way I see it, if someone wants something not closed off, it's not that hard to make an account and have it bookmarked. Beehaw is different, but I have the same usernames on my other ones (Wolf Shadowheart). I keep coming back to Beehaw.

  • I don't feel like its too closed off, no, I appreciate how closed off it is!