I'll give you an upvote for the satire/sarcasm, but I want you to know that it comes with a feeling of disgust towards myself for upvoting those words.
For the group railing against Sharia law the loudest, they sure do love to legislate religious beliefs. I guess the real problem was Sharia just wasn't going far enough.
Conservatives have bad ideas about nearly everything. They should under no circumstances be allowed to have any power. I'd even say they're an existential threat to the US and the rest of humanity.
It's far past time to stop treating them as just folks with a different opinion. This is not "oh well they wanted to paint the bedroom walls green and I wanted blue."
Someone announcing themselves a conservative should be taken as a declaration of a threat. Removing them from power is self defense.
I agree with what you're getting at, but "conservative" is relative and doesn't actually indicate specific beliefs, so "conservatives should never have any power" can be easily twisted once the conservatives we'd currently think of are gone.
What word would you prefer? I considered "Republicans" but that doesn't catch people outside the US. "Contemporary Republicans or people who would vote for them" isn't very catchy
Yep. At the very least, just make everything a civil union that any two consenting adults can enter into. Religious people can still get "married", it just has nothing to do with the government.
Why limit it to two? I say allow any amount of people in a civil union, or allow one person to have a civil union with multiple people separately. It's mostly for visits in the hospital, parental rights, stuff like that.
Of course, that makes residence/citizenship based on relationships complicated, but that's mostly an issue caused by closed national borders being a fucked up concept in the first place.
They want laws that follow ancient religious texts, to control women, force everyone into marriage, prosecute homosexuals, ban birth control and get rid of media that go against their narrative.
What I'm wondering is, why the fuck do they not like Islamists?
Most religions feel that anyone not in their religion is beneath them, or a lesser person. Believers are going to heaven, well meaning pious atheists are going to burn in hell.
Why not? They live with an abusive god who constantly threatens them with punishment if they don’t follow a bunch of conflicting rules and won’t love you or reward you unless you kiss his ass. You can never leave the relationship or check out any other gods, or just be single, either. You’re trapped.
They want everyone else to be trapped in abusive relationships, too.
Of course they are. The men and I use that term loosely are trying to make women chattel again. The next step for them after that is to make other chattel. They dream of the mid east style government.