Skip Navigation We Just Witnessed the Biggest Supreme Court Power Grab Since 1803

The court has given itself nearly unlimited power over the administrative state, putting everything from environmental protections to workers’ rights at risk.

We Just Witnessed the Biggest Supreme Court Power Grab Since 1803
Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • My wife and ai keep talking about this. We plan to flee our deep south red state, but it fills us with survivor's guilt knowing we have the means to do so, and so so many just do not.

  • Thoughts on the Debate: We're doomed.
  • Will watch later, but can you briefly summarize so wife and I aren't freaking out until then? :(

  • What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • Sweet or unsweet? Lemon or no? Choose wisely, traveler.

  • What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • I plant garlic during the fall for this reason! Fresh garlic chives on my ramen with an egg, yes yes :D

  • What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • Alt text: an image of various peppers (and one tomato) on a small wooden plate. There are small green peppers, small red peppers, a large curved cayenne, a small bell pepper, and two medium sized green peppers, either anaheim or poblano I don't know I'd have to check. The red peppers are starting to dry.

    I done grew me a garden on my balcony ma! This isn't all I've harvested this season either, wife has turned my cayennes into a hot sauce already, and the red peppers you see here were turned into a hot-paste-base... thing! And my tomato plant keeps giving me fat and juicy bois every week or so. Nothing crazy, just a big red one on my balcony for wife to cut up and enjoy. I personally hate them, but c'est la vest and an alligator chest, as they say.

    There's catnip and pumpkins and sunflowers I've grown from seed, and mint and basil and, man, I love having this little garden out there so much :)

  • Capcom's slapstick zombie mall adventure Dead Rising is being remastered
  • Faaaantastic! This actually could be pretty dope.

  • Zuko being his usual awkward self
  • Aw man, it's so pathetically adorable! I love these little goobers.

  • Zuko being his usual awkward self
  • Thank you! Haha no, but it may be now! It's an Avatar: the Last Airbender reference :)

  • Jesse Welles - The Poor [folk]
  • I'm very happy to hear that :)

  • Zuko being his usual awkward self

    Please be nice, he is very awkward. Sometimes he gets lost in the kitchen and cries, and we have to help him lol.


    Alt text: An image of a small black cat looking at the camera. He is making biscuits in his cat bed located beside a wooden crate of records.

    Bumblebee butt
  • Hello bees! :D Still going on the cover of TMZ, mwahaha!

  • With Trees - Korpiklaani [folk metal]

    When the guitar comes in at 1:57 🤤

    This is What Prime Air Drone Delivery Looks Like - Core77
  • BRB, loading my shotgun with birdshot.

    Hm I need a shotgun.

  • spicy leaf time
  • Sweet baby <3 he munch, he crunch, he noms a bunch.

  • Jesse Welles - The Poor [folk]
  • You're very welcome, I'm glad you liked it! I'm kind of obsessed with this guy and his band, lol. Here's another good one.

  • Jesse Welles - The Poor [folk]
  • If you only worked a little harder


  • Family whose roof was damaged by space debris files claims against NASA
  • From my understanding, it was in orbit for three years before reentering our the atmosphere in an uncontrolled descent, then it fell through dude's roof.

  • Family whose roof was damaged by space debris files claims against NASA

    "Whatever NASA does is going to send a strong signal to the space industry."

    Family whose roof was damaged by space debris files claims against NASA

    >Alejandro Otero, owner of the Naples, Florida, home struck by the debris, was not home when part of a battery pack from the International Space Station crashed through his home on March 8. His son Daniel, 19, was home but escaped injury. NASA has confirmed the 1.6-pound object, made of the metal alloy Inconel, was part of a battery pack jettisoned from the space station in 2021.

    >An attorney for the Otero family, Mica Nguyen Worthy, told Ars that she has asked NASA for "in excess of $80,000" for non-insured property damage loss, business interruption damages, emotional and mental anguish damages, and the costs for assistance from third parties.

    >"We intentionally kept it very reasonable because we did not want it to appear to NASA that my clients are seeking a windfall," Worthy said.

    Seems reasonable to me. If I accidentally caused damages to someone's home, I'd certainly be held liable. But, I'm just some guy.

    Who is your favourite author?
  • Brian Jacques, of Redwall fame. I feel so lucky to have grown up on such a lovely collection of adventure stories. I have such fond memories of my mom surprising me with a new book. I picked one up the other day and read a snippet, and it was just as lovely as it ever was.

    In the 1980s, Jacques worked as a milkman, on a round which included the Royal Wavertree School for the Blind.[1] He got to know the children there, and volunteered to read to them. However, he became dissatisfied with the state of children's literature, with too much adolescent angst, and began to write stories for them. So that the visually impaired children would be able to picture the scenes he was writing for them, he developed a highly descriptive style, emphasizing sound, smell, taste, gravity, balance, temperature, touch, and kinesthetics.[6] From these short stories and reading sessions emerged Redwall, an 800-page handwritten manuscript.[7] -wikipedia

    Guy was a saint, simple as.

  • community canine graduate!
  • Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you and Echo :)

  • Climate activists arrested after spray painting UK’s Stonehenge monument
  • And yet the oil execs leaking oil into our water systems get off scot-free.

  • Bumblebee butt

    Alt text: a macro shot of a bee diving headfirst into a flower as it searches for pollen. Its wings are blurred as they beat rapidly. The flower is a faded pink color. The background is out of focus.


    Took this on my evening walk, figured I'd share with the Internet \o/ Wife pointed it out, "There it is, get it get it!" I'm lucky to have such an awesome spotter by my side :)

    Canon Rebel T7, 300mm, ISO 160, 1/125 exposure

    What's growing on, Beehaw?
  • Southern balcony gardener reporting in with mostly-positive results! Some of the plants I grew from seed are doing well, including my kale, micogreens, sunflowers, catnip, and even a few pumpkins! The kale and microgreens are looking great, though I need to harvest more to prevent crowding (right?), so I've actually started to add the microgreens into my lunches! I think I'll make a baby kale salad today as well.

    Unfortunately, I've lost most of the pumpkin sprouts due to this heat and my own inexperience, but(!) I never had high hopes for container pumpkins on a balcony in the South. It's just a fun thing to try, and maybe the few I have will flower again and let me help pollinate.

    That brings me to my real passion, peppers! My cayennes have been doing swimmingly, and I've been able to harvest enough for wife to make our own brand of hot sauce. It's pretty cool seeing a finished product this early in the summer! I'm excited for more to come in, especially my jalapenos and ghost peppers so we can make it kick a little harder. I actually found a hot dragon roll pepper that had ripened way sooner than expected, and Bees, I am happy to report that a glass of milk was almost necessary to help with the heat!

    That's it for now :) here's a picture of a sunflower that I grew.

    Much love to y'all <3

  • The hollowness of corporate Pride

    The troubling corporate pullback on Pride Month, briefly explained.

    The hollowness of corporate Pride
    Waxing gibbous from my balcony
  • Thank you so much!

  • Waxing gibbous from my balcony

    Alt text: An image of our moon against a black starless sky. It is in the waxing gibbous phase, and you are able to see about fifty-five percent of the celestial body.


    Think I'm getting the hang of this thing! Shot with my Canon Rebel T7 and a 300mm lens, ISO 100, f/5.6, 1/125 shutter speed.

    2 Live-Action Totally Spies! TV Series in the Works With Will Ferrell Executive Producing - IGN

    A live-action Totally Spies! TV series is in the works at Prime Video and Will Ferrell is onboard as an executive producer.

    Live-Action Totally Spies! TV Series in the Works With Will Ferrell Executive Producing - IGN
    1 The Christian right is coming for divorce next

    Some conservatives want to make it a lot harder to dissolve a marriage.

    The Christian right is coming for divorce next
    'LLM-free' is the new '100% organic' - Creators Are Fighting AI Anxiety With an ‘LLM-Free’ Movement

    >As soon as Apple announced its plans to inject generative AI into the iPhone, it was as good as official: The technology is now all but unavoidable. Large language models will soon lurk on most of the world’s smartphones, generating images and text in messaging and email apps. AI has already colonized web search, appearing in Google and Bing. OpenAI, the $80 billion start-up that has partnered with Apple and Microsoft, feels ubiquitous; the auto-generated products of its ChatGPTs and DALL-Es are everywhere. And for a growing number of consumers, that’s a problem.

    >Rarely has a technology risen—or been forced—into prominence amid such controversy and consumer anxiety. Certainly, some Americans are excited about AI, though a majority said in a recent survey, for instance, that they are concerned AI will increase unemployment; in another, three out of four said they believe it will be abused to interfere with the upcoming presidential election. And many AI products have failed to impress. The launch of Google’s “AI Overview” was a disaster; the search giant’s new bot cheerfully told users to add glue to pizza and that potentially poisonous mushrooms were safe to eat. Meanwhile, OpenAI has been mired in scandal, incensing former employees with a controversial nondisclosure agreement and allegedly ripping off one of the world’s most famous actors for a voice-assistant product. Thus far, much of the resistance to the spread of AI has come from watchdog groups, concerned citizens, and creators worried about their livelihood. Now a consumer backlash to the technology has begun to unfold as well—so much so that a market has sprung up to capitalize on it.


    Obligatory "fuck 99.9999% of all AI use-cases, the people who make them, and the techbros that push them."

    I AM AMERICA - a poem

    I am America.

    I am the blue sky above you.

    I am the rainbow puddle in a parking lot

    that you must step over.

    I am your commute to work.

    I am the dead dog on the side of the highway,


    I am pride,

    and I am ignorance.

    I am the underpaid teacher

    and the kid selling weed.

    I am all your faults.

    I am all your dreams.

    I am the man in line

    not wearing a mask.

    I am your lack of healthcare.

    I am your uncle, your sister,

    your friend.

    I am America.

    0 Court Allows K-Pop Group to Subpoena YouTuber's Identity from Google

    K-pop group NewJeans is attempting to sue the anonymous user of a YouTube account for defamation, but cannot proceed without obtaining their identity.

    Court Allows K-Pop Group to Subpoena YouTuber's Identity from Google

    >NewJeans filed an ex parte application in late March in the Northern District of California, where Google is headquartered, for an “order authorizing limited discovery” of the user’s data from the company “for use in a criminal matter in Korea,” the order granting the application states. The group alleges that the account, which according to court documents posts under the handle @Middle7, has posted as many as 33 defamatory videos that had been viewed nearly 14 million times as of their filing. Because the account is anonymous, however, the lawsuit cannot continue until the user has been identified.

    >Among the statements NewJeans claims are defamatory include calling one of the members the “eldest daughter of a Vietnamese farmer,” and a video titled "Reasons Why NewJeans Is A Crap Group."

    >Google also recently cut down its Legal Investigations team, which handles the company’s responses to subpoenas and law enforcement requests, by what a union representing some workers alleged was over a third of the less-than-100-person team, though a Google spokesperson later clarified that less than a dozen positions had been impacted.

    The Shark Whisperer - Donald Nelson spent his life undoing the damage that Jaws did to the perception of sharks

    Pretty neat article, wanted to share.

    >Nelson was credited as a science advisor and fully supported the film, as well as its 1978 sequel, Jaws 2. But over the next two decades, as Nelson’s research career took off, he would flip the script about sharks, bringing them out of the dark realm of fevered imagination into the clear light of science. By researching shark behavior up close for the first time, and making countless documentaries that allowed people on their couches into the underwater world he loved, he began to change people’s minds. A deadly, despised predator with a face full of teeth began to seem vulnerable, even elegant, a critical choreographer of the ocean ecosystem. By the time Nelson died in 1997, sharks had become the focus of conservation programs across the planet.

    3 Republicans block bill to protect contraception access as Democrats make election-year push

    Senate Republicans have blocked legislation designed to protect women’s access to contraception. They argued Wednesday that the bill was just a political stunt as Democrats mount an election-year effort to put GOP senators on the record on reproductive rights issues.

    Republicans block bill to protect contraception access as Democrats make election-year push
    3 Biden details a 3-phase hostage deal aimed at winding down the Israel-Hamas war

    President Joe Biden has detailed a three-phase deal proposed by Israel to Hamas militants that he says would lead to the end of the Mideast war.

    Biden details a 3-phase hostage deal aimed at winding down the Israel-Hamas war

    >WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday detailed a three-phase deal proposed by Israel to Hamas militants that he says would lead to the release of the remaining hostages in Gaza and could end the grinding, nearly 8-month-old Mideast war.

    >Biden said the first phase of the proposed deal would would last for six weeks and would include a “full and complete cease-fire,” a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza and the release of a number of hostages, including women, the elderly and the wounded, in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

    >American hostages would be released at this stage, and remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families. Humanitarian assistance would surge during the first phase, with 600 trucks being allowed into Gaza each day.

    >The second phase would include the release of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers, and Israeli forces would withdraw from Gaza.

    >The third phase calls for the start of a major reconstruction of Gaza, which faces decades of rebuilding from devastation caused by the war.

    godzilla_lives trev likes godzilla

    "Up to the Twentieth Century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one-millionth of reality." -Bucky Fuller

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