I have. Not so much that they are all rah, rah, russia, but because the west is the one supporting Ukraine. They seem to believe russia was, in fact, there to "de-nazify" Ukraine, and other russian propaganda. You know, the country who had recently ousted a putin puppet, then elected a Jewish man in a landslide, was so in need of a russia to fight the nazis that have over run the country.
Generally what you'll see is right wing types directly supporting Russia (because they hate gay and trans people) and a certain stripe of leftists who will lean more into "NATO expansionism", "Western proxy war" and all that other thoroughly debunked nonsense that, while not explicitly pro-Russia, is all directly lifted from Kremlin propaganda talking points.
You need two (or more) proxies to have a proxy war and looking at the belligerents and who supports them it's clear who is who: Ukraine is South Korea's proxy, Russia the one of North Korea.