Sorry for the brief bits of downtime here and there, I snuck in a quick upgrade of us to the latest lemmy 0.19.4 now that a few bugs have been patched out.
Thanks Shadow. So far so good. Seems to have ironed out a few bugs with Photon too.
The entire UI is really evolving and the speed now is blazing! Is this how websites should be if you don’t pack them with telemetry and crypto nonsense?
I can't help but notice the stark contrast between the rate of improvement to Lemmy vs the glacial pace of work done on Mastodon. Lemmy seems to embrace the "move fast and break things" ethos so much better than Mastodon which just crawls at implementing critical functionality. Which is funny, I follow Dessalines and Gargron on various platforms; Gargron seems like a much more sensible and reasonable and decent person so this is kinda disappointing.
This is a social network. It's recreation. I want you to move fast and break things. That's how Facebook won. You're not going to chase down the gazelle by walking.
I agree with you but I think mastadon has bigger shoes to fill.
Businesses looked at Twitter as a reliable way to communicate with a broad audience. To the point that even police services thought it was good enough.
Mastadon, if it wants to be seen as a replacement needs to be high reliability.
I don't think Lemmy has that expectation. Like there is a user in these comments complaining that we didn't get notice of down time and I'm kinda wondering why he would want that let alone expect it. As you say it's recreation and so I don't need that high level of reliability.
You're not going to chase down the gazelle by walking.
(Sorry, I really like doing analogy analysis for the lulz.)
While that analogy is absolutely true, the amount of prep work (stalking) that goes into that final sprint is super important. Personally, I have no problems with "move fast; break things" unless there isn't an actual direction plotted first. Redundancy can even be implemented quickly, like when animals hunt it packs.
Failure is always an option, but always double the estimated time it takes to do a change of only to account for any unknowns.
In this case I expected it to be a much faster upgrade than it actually was, so I tried to yolo it. We do have where normally I post in advance, I'll do that next time =)
I can't select a different feed or select sort options on community/feed pages or posts
I use the web version on FireFox. I've been experiencing these issues for about 12 hours (some time following the upgrade to 0.19.4). It doesn't matter if I'm signed in or not - is pretty unusable. I'm not experiencing this with other instances. Is anyone else experiencing this?
I was going to create a post about this, but I can't post either. As soon as my cursor leaves the title or body fields, the text in those fields disappears
Thanks, Shadow! That didn't work unfortunately, but if this is just a me thing, I can deal with it. I don't have the most up-to-date version of FF, which could be part of the issue
Does anyone else find that the cross-post function no longer works after the upgrade? Clicking the cross-post icon brings up the form correctly, but as soon as you select the language or the community, the form clears itself.