Are there any maps apps that rip data from Google Maps?
I want to ungoogle myself as much as possible, but I've found that Google Maps is by far the best dataset for maps. I can search 'fast food' and it'll pull up anything related to that near me. I've tried things like OrganicMaps, and while it is blazing fast and very private in comparison to Google Maps, it unfortunately does not have the best information.
Are there any apps that are kind of like a proxy/nitter like frontend for Google Maps and it respects privacy? Are there any ways to just straight up rip data from Google Maps and pull it into another app?
Just to clarify: what are some of your specific complaints with bad information? I ask because I've been trying to fill in business hours and other info you might find on g maps for my city, and it's definitely challenging. My new pet peeve is just how many businesses don't bother listing their hours anywhere but proprietary services. No hours on their website and not even on their front doors.
At least for my city OSM is pretty complete with all business in it, A alternative is Here Maps, which also show all traffic and public transport lines, apart of the business sites. The only thing that no other map has is the Google Street View (Here at least has a 3D view), but I can live without this.
Even if there are no proxied frontends already (like LibreTube for YouTube), it's a great idea for FOSS developers. But afaik it requires a proprietary component from GMS to work so it may be hard to make a frontend for