Trump supporters issue threats of violence if it takes too long to get their McNuggets. They're not exactly people known for handling conflict appropriately.
Because that's conservatives level of understanding of how things actually work. Toddlers don't understand that other people are also conscious beings with feelings, thoughts, and different experiences. (I actually know many toddlers that are more empathetic, communicative, and understanding than the average conservative.)
I still can’t fathom how he became president. He acts like a toddler
Because that’s conservatives level of understanding of how things actually work.
There's a piece of that but I don't think that's the largest reason Trump was elected. The largest would be...wait for it... income inequality! Follow me here for a minute. There are large numbers of Americans that are increasingly at the short end of the stick with GDP consistently rising, but their personal finances struggling and under fire worse every day. Part of the non-conservatives voted for Hilary pragmatically hoping for the scraps of social reform that Democrats are able to get passed into law. The other, and larger part of the non-conservatives, heard Trump the words that were lying to them telling them that they are poor because of immigrants and (oddly) spending on social programs that doesn't benefit that specific voter.
Honestly the biggest divisions aren't between Democrat and Republican. Those issue are mostly symptoms of the wealth inequality. The biggest division is between rich and poor. I think if those that voted for Trump were doing even moderately better financially, they'd be less concerned about someone below the poverty line getting a cell phone subsidy or child care credit.