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Ireland frightful_hobgoblin

Both Irish & Indian mythology say the crowd before man was a race of demigods called 'the people of the Goddess Danu'

In outline, Irish mythology (sources like the Lebor Gabála Érenn) says Ireland was occupied by the Túatha Dé Danann (a magical, beautiful, ethereal race), before the Milesians (Celts/men) took it. 'Túatha' is a word without English equivalent, meaning clan or tribe or petty kingdom; 'Dé' means 'gods'; and Danann is the genitive form of Danu so it means 'of Danu'.

Meanwhile, over in India, we read in the Mahābhārata that the goddess Danu gave birht to a race of asuras (demigods) called the Danava.

There's lots of these little Indo-European links – in language, in culture, in myth. You see more and more of them the longer you look.