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How do you get over jealousy when you see people who look how you'd want to look?

  • The Buddha teaches that desire is the root of all suffering. Abandon the desire and you abandon the suffering.

    Envy is resenting another person for having what you think you lack, but the resentment comes from you, not from them. They are doing nothing wrong.

    You feel resentment because you feel bad about not having something, not them having it. After all, if you both had it then you wouldn't feel bad, would you? It's a lack of self-esteem and a glut of self-hatred that you're really fighting. Resentment is just a projection of that feeling outwards instead of inwards. It's much easier to dislike them because then you don't have to confront what it is about yourself that you dislike.

    It's ok to see someone and want what they have, as long as you can let that feeling go. Acknowledge it, embrace it, and then release it. Acknowledge that any negativity comes from how you feel about yourself, not them. Acknowledge this your self-hatred is a problem you can solve, and then do something to solve it.