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Alexandrite - Lemmy settings, mod tools, scroll to next/previous comment buttons, better markdown editor

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I've added a bunch of new features to Alexandrite (a third party Lemmy alternate web UI for desktop)! - ! - Github

Lemmy Settings

You can now change most of Lemmy's settings (just not language/avatar/banner/2FA/password).

Mod tools

A lot of mod tools were added. You can view reports and be able to do most things except appoint/removing mods and viewing the mod log.

Scroll between top level comments buttons

Floating at the bottom of the page when viewing a post you will now see a little navigation bar that lets you scroll between comments (and a similar one on the post list that lets you scroll to the top of the page).

Better markdown editor

The text editor used when making posts/comments has been upgraded! Now you can find buttons for bold/italic etc, most of the things you can do on the official website.

If you have any issues let me know, or create an issue on Github.

  • Great work, a couple of feedback suggestions

    On the reports page it has the wrong name for the user's comment being reported.

    Example: User A makes a comment and User B reports it, in the Alexandrite report page it shows User B's name as the author of the Comment being reported instead of User A, with User B's name as the reporter as well.

    When you click remove/ban there is no prompt box to enter in a reason for the mod action to appear in the mod log.

    Fantastic update though, thanks so much!

    • Thanks for letting me know!

      I've fixed the comment name bug (when dealing with reports who is who was pretty confusing for a while, missed a spot when fixing stuff!). I also added a prompt for a reason when banning or removing.

      I also realized I don't have buttons to ban/remove on posts, I will do that after work today! I have some code cleanup I want to do at the same time.

      Please let me know if you have any more issues!

    • Just wanted to let you know I finished my code cleanup and added the ability to ban users and remove posts from the menu on posts. Any other mod tools you find yourself going back to the default UI for?

      • nope, its 100% better than the default UI, the ability to use mod actions from the report screen is amazing. Thank you so much for your work

  • Awesome work! Like others, I'm massively impressed with Alexandrite and it has become my default UI for viewing It feels way more mature than its age would suggest and I've found myself feeling at home here.

    I love that Lemmy is growing so many alternative front ends... choice is great, and some of the apps coming out (like Alexandrite and Voyager) are really great examples of web tech done right!

    Keep up the good work! Do you have a means of sending donations yet?

    • Thanks!! This is the first project of mine in a while that has gotten this much traction so I never get tired of reading stuff like this! (In case you're curious, the last project I made that got this much attention was a Craftbukkit plugin for Minecraft like ten years ago).

      Yes, on the Alexandrite about page there's a link to Buy Me a Coffee. I was thinking of setting up some other ways to donate like OpenCollective or Patreon at some point but I haven't had the time yet.

  • Just using the floating navigation buttons now ... FIRE!!

  • Outstanding work. I've already told you several times this is the only way I care to use Lemmy, you've now made it that I don't need to consider another way. Thank you :)

    I really hope instance admins get to see your work, it deserves to be the default UI IMO.

    • Heck yeah, thanks!

      It's the only way I use Lemmy on desktop too (except when making announcement posts because Alexandrite doesn't support image uploading yet). Though to be honest I spend a whole lot more time working on Alexandrite than I do using it! I'm still just waiting for Sync to be out and I'll be set on the mobile front of things too, I miss that app.

    • And just generally providing alternative UIs directly from the instance is an awesome thing IMO.

      endlesstalk for example have both the old Reddit and Voyager web UIs provided as old.endlesstalk and new.endlesstalk, with maybe alexandrine coming too.

    • I really hope instance admins get to see your work, it deserves to be the default UI IMO.

      not sure a desktop forward UI should be default, that kinda ruins the experience for mobile users

      But already we are seeing lemmyworld and others now have for mobile forward theme, for the reddit style skin and at least one instance now has new.x.x for alexandrite

  • I have tried to use this site over the last few weeks and every time I open it, I have to relogin.

    I kind of gave up after repeating it several times.

    • Hmmm I'm not sure what would be causing that. How recently was this? I know had some issues recently where you'd get logged out constantly but that was a week ago.

      Just to be sure, do you have any browser settings to delete browsing history/data when you close you browser? Alexandrite stores your auth token (jwt) in localStorage so if that clears or for whatever reason you'd get logged out. I also migrated how the site interacts with Lemmy and am storing that auth token somewhere different as of a week ago so that would have caused you to get logged out once.

      Anyone else been having this issue?

      • Will give it another try and see if I can replicate it; I didn’t have anything clearing storage past the typical blocking of uBlock/Brave