"Woke" is just code for "anything I don't like, don't understand, or wasn't raised with". Part of the problem is that people don't like their way of life being challenged by the mere existence of cyclists and public transit. The other part is that in many countries the infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, etc) aren't optimized for cycling and that can cause problems when cars, pedestrians, and cyclists are dodging each other.
The answer is pretty simple. The modern day far right is pretty much a creation of the fossil fuel industry. Therefore they will fight against anything that might lead to reducing fossil fuel usage.
And anything that they might label -- or have had labeled for them, more likely -- as "sissy."
The hilarious irony being that if any dedicated cyclist kicked your garden-variety right wing asshat, I'll bet they wouldn't find that person so sissy after all. After they got up from wherever they landed.
There are two genders, male and 'political.'
Two races, white and 'political.'
Two religions, Christian and 'political.'
Well, guess what: there are also two modes of transportation, driving and 'political.' Riding a bike is a political act, whether you intend for it to be or not.
My father to a T. I can't impress upon him enough his own complete lack of desire to find a solution, only underlining the problem i.e. whiny baby crying.
Cycling as a societal mode of transport deprives capitalist automakers, oil companies, banks, and insurance companies of immense income. The right wing is extremely fervently capitalist and defends the capitalist class maniacally. That is why they defend harmful societal planning that funnels wealth to the capitalist class.