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Połączenie tego, co najlepsze w kolektywnej oraz sztucznej inteligencji (?) Policy Synth

A unique effort to intertwine human insights and artificial intelligence to grapple with complex policy dilemmas.

Policy Synth

Our project embodies a unique effort to intertwine human insights and artificial intelligence to grapple with complex policy dilemmas. We are in the process of building a state-of-the-art platform where policymakers, citizens, and AI can engage in a collective discourse. This collaborative interaction is expected to not only expedite decision-making processes but also augment their quality, paving the way for more inventive and efficacious policy resolutions.


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  • We are in the process of building a state-of-the-art platform where policymakers, citizens, and AI can engage in a collective discourse.

    To przepraszam "AI" ma teraz sprawczość i intencjonalność? I ma mieć podobny wpływ na rzeczywistość jak politycy i obywatele/obywatelki?

    Co za kompletna, piramidalna bzdura. 🤮