My very first fursona was a male skunk who did cosplay. I didn't think much about it, I was creating a character for an online chat program. My egg had not fully cracked at the time, and I didn't use that fursona much (didn't really have time to use the chat program in the end).
My next (current) fursona keeps alternating between female and genderfluid. I am still having problems getting her presentation right, and a lot of people I know see it as a male character when I am not using shape padding. I think once I can start presenting how I want to in mundane life, people will start seeing my fursona the way I want her to be perceived. It does not help that my head is not overly feminine, it is more toony nuetral, which is percieved as male by default. The best I may get for it is androgenous.
If you want to force a more feminine look on a neutral fursuit head, maybe try large eyelashes and/or maybe a pink hair clip? I'm the opposite way, looking feminine when I want to present as more masc, so my tactics won't work for you lol.