As someone that doesn't belive in the bible, the whole antichrist being nero thing doesn't add up. Nero reigned from 54 AD to 68 AD while the book of revelation, the one with the antichrist prophecies and that was published in 95 AD. I've heard the explanation that it was code, but why would they have to have code for someone that died 27 years before they wrote the code?
The gnostic nag hamadi also mentions the antichrist and that was written at least the 2nd century. Interestingly they say the antichrist will have a female likeness which makes sense if you entertain it because if the antichrist is meant to be the complete opposite of christ, why wouldn't they identify as female?
That's what the heritage Foundation is trying to achieve, yes. Trump is playing the part of the antichrist, musk is the beast. I'm mostly concerned about how they interpret "lake of fire".
Priesthood was a religious answer for gay men historically, before more modern sects that are openly accepting. The modern non-denominational Christian churches are just cancer.
See, I actually agree with a lot of people who say they hate "Woke Things"
Because 7 out of 10 times, they're just mad at Rainbow Capitalism trying and failing to pander to "t3h gays", but for some reason believe that "t3h gays" asked for it, when in reality we did not.... the other 3 times nothing's wrong and "Woke" is just code for "There was a black guy who did something outside of be comic relief, but if I said that aloud people would call me racist... Which I am"
its the studio execs pushing the inclusiveness, even the lgbq+ dont want it, but the cons that never watches these have been calling it woke. a great example is STD discovery, such a bad show, but everyone has been pointing how the female leads are boring asfm Kurtzman having an obssesion with pushing it for some reason.
its the studio execs pushing the inclusiveness, even the lgbq+ dont want it,
I still cringe remembering the trailer for Q-Force...
"You can't pander to the gays, they can smell it, you're like citibank at Pride"
Was an actual line in the trailer.
I always thought it was bold of them to include the reaction of the janitor who was taking out the trash whilst overhearing the pitch....
I have friends from all over the political spectrum, I've made a pyrrhic victory, a few of the right-leaning ones actually suddenly support trans rights now that the Republicans are basically treating us like Jews in Germany.. the Pyrrhic part was it taking Iowa removing all civil rights from transpeople before they believed me that transpeople were the victims, not the perpatrators.
One of them ranted and raved to me about how "LGBT People wouldn't be in this mess if they hadn't demanded Hollywood force in all these terrible woke characters into everything!"
I had to explain to him the concept of Rainbow Capitalism and that we hated it to... He didn't believe me until I gave him a link of Brendan Rogers mocking the shit out of it as his Bryce Tankthrust character... which I only recently learned was named Bryce Tankthrust, really thought it was Bryce Taintthrust this whole time.