In response to suggestions by a lunatic in the US Oval Office, Green Party Canada's leader Elizabeth May suggested Canada should invite western states Washington, Oregon and California join B.C and split from Canada to form the 'Cascadia' eco-state.
(Note this article is from Jan 8, 2025 and Elizabeth May has since become co-leader of the party alongside Jonathan Pedneault).
Just FYI Canadians, don’t get fooled when people say California is “leftist”. Check out recent referendum results, they voted against abolishing slavery (for prisoners) and in favour of the death penalty for example. They are only “leftist” in relation to the neofacist US’s overton window.
Yes, as a Californian leftist, our government has always been more interested in money than people, and it will continue to be a problem. NIMBYs will be the death of us.
California has a rural state within it that's called The State Of Jefferson and it's very rural and conservative. You can just cut that part out of Cascadia
No it fucking isnt, the Jefferson crap is located in the economically depressed mountains of NorCal, when the logging industry imploded they were left behind. They dont produce much food of any note.
No its pretty exclusive to NorCal, also there isnt too much going on along the California Nevada border agriculturally. Not to say theres nothing just that it pales compared to the Central Valley.
You may have been thinking of the older movement to have a bunch of random parts of Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and California join up with Idaho. That one was a hell of a lot less consistent in what areas they wanted. Theres also the original proposal for what would become Utah which included lands as far away from Utah as San Bernardino and LA.