Frankly I couldn’t tell you, but whatever the timeline is, I expect it will be much faster than before, as everything is.
There are a few very young politicians and new media commentators that know what’s up, and I think we should rally around them.
In the meantime, boycott as best as possible, build, develop and protect your community and funk up the authoritarian machinery at every turn possible.
“Funk up the authoritarian machinery at every turn possible.”
I’ll bring the drums 😎
Jokes aside, that sentence is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. “How can I cause the most disruption with the least harm?” lmfao No good answers yet, but I’ll keep pondering 🤔🫡
2026 could be a great year for the Dems in the Senate. The Republicans currently hold 22 of the 33 seats up for election. Depending on how much Trump fucks the economy, it's mathematically possible for the Dems to hold 67 Senate seats in 2027.
That's enough to simultaneously impeach and remove Trump and Vance and elevate a Democratic Speaker of the House to the Presidency.
The odds of it happening are almost zero. They won't win all 33 elections - but they could conceivably get to 60 seats - enough to block GOP fillibusters. They managed it in 2008, and that's the same Senate cycle up for election in 2026.