"If it's not possible now, it'll never be possible," Musk said of his proposal to simply ignore all federal regulation as a baseline.
He's just going to get people killed. But that's ok he doesn't give a shit anyways, so it's moot. What are a few thousand dead peasants when we could make big stock number go up?
Biden was the right vote over Trump, even on the issue of Gaza. However, it's fucked up to minimize Biden's culpability in the Gaza genocide this way. He wasn't indecisive, he was complicit and was actively involved in helping Israel lie and obfuscate. Maybe we as a country deserve Trump, or maybe we don't, but Biden and Harris did not deserve to win.
There's "continue with previously agreed weapons shipments to Israel" and there's "let's make Gaza a parking lot, invade Greenland, and ship these brown people to Guantanamo, citizens or not".
Biden/Harris were not perfect, but they were the proverbial one-eyed person... vs a blind donkey.
Don't forget that Trump is also talking about shifting control of Gaza to the US for some godforsaken reason (it's beachfront property and his real estate mogul friends will make tons of cash building resorts on mass graves and skeletons).
Context is important to discern meaning. Biden, the person, deserves nothing better than a jail cell. Harris too, on some level, though she's not as directly complicit. I voted for Harris anyways, because it was worth accepting that grave injustice to keep Trump out of power.
It was worth accepting that grave injustice to prevent and even bigger injustice.
We warned against Trump not because we dislike the guy, or his hair or his ties, we warned people that Trump would be even worse than whatever they/you disliked about the Biden admin.
It took him weeks to propose deporting 2M people from their own homeland and building a Trump hotel on the beachfront property left behind.
Are you just reading every other sentence or something? I voted for Harris. I didn't need you to tell me to vote for Harris. I'd rather see Harris in prison than the Whitehouse, but I'd rather see Harris in the Whitehouse than Trump.
But, if we want to talk about warnings, I warned people like you that preaching at voters was more likely to make them stay home than vote for your candidate. Pointing out why Harris was better than Trump on Gaza was good, but the constant preaching and harassing attitude could easily have lost Harris the election. The fact that it didn't end with the election is insane. It shows that your motivations were to virtue signal instead of helping Harris win.
Nah, fuck that. If people are so monumentally dumb, I'm going to point it out. And now, if they stayed at home because some dude online "preached at them" I'm going to point and laugh. I have 4 years of "I told you so" ahead of me. And it wasn't even "my" candidate, I'm not even in the US.
Dude literally parroted the IDF and shut down any actual war crimes investigation. He was very decisive, in the wrong way.
He bears culpability for Trump winning for two reasons. Because it's idiotic to expect the key Arab American demographic in Michigan, a key battleground state, to vote for a pro Gaza Genocide party. And because he didn't know when to get out of the way. He tried to hold on for so long the Democrats couldn't run a primary or actual campaign.
No no no, the culpability is 100% with the American people. They had two options: the dude who agrees with everything the IDF says and does and the dude that goes far beyond the Israeli far right wildest dreams. There was no other option. It was a choice between a bad sandwich and a pile of shit and people focused on how the sandwich age and lack of caviar. Enjoy the shit! Maybe you can have some more at Trump Gaza Resort.
No idea what democrats did or didn't do, Trump's stupidity spilled over the ocean up to here in Germany. It was clear as day he would be the clearly worse option if you care about Gaza, or are Muslim, or know someone Muslim, or are brown, or black, or a woman...
It might end up affecting us a bit if the exports fall or gas prices rise or something, but we are going to keep universal Healthcare, family planning, free education, strong unions, legal weed, gay marriage, etc. I'm not worried about the Gestapo taking me to Guantanamo.
So keep complaining about democrats warning you not to drink bleach, you are doing great.
It doesn't matter what I think. It matters what the country thinks. And the Democrats relied on a belief that people liked the status quo and would be afraid of Trump. Gaza didn't swing the election. The post election polling and exit polling overwhelmingly shows the economy was what people voted on. And there's real pain there. People had Trump's first term to go by and without an education in politics that looks great in comparison to their life after COVID.
The wounds are too deep for rebuilding, imo. Even if we do get the chance, there's just not enough Band-Aids, political will, and time in four years for the democrats to repair it. We're facing the complete implosion of our federal government and its legitimacy along with it.
The worst part is that there's not enough of an organized opposition to stop it, or even really slow it down. Neither major political party acts in favor of the people; major news outlets and social networking tools are owned by billionaires; a sizeable chunk of the country is perfectly OK with getting ratfucked so long as José next door gets it worse. We aren't facing the implosion of the USA into a TechnoFascist Hellscape, we're LIVING IT.
Then be the political organization. Call your elected official. Meet with your local advocacy group or non profit. They are organizing you just have to find them.
Yes, but the libruls made them do this, because woke/dei/crt and the trans. The amount of actual TDS (transphobic derangement syndrome) out there is something to behold.
The crazies are obsessed with trans and other bullshit that has no impact on their lives (b-roll of migrant caravans, poor people living high on the hog on steak and lobster, etc) that they are completely willing to end democracy over it. Not even fucking kidding. It's one thing when you see the elites saying democracy is over, it needs to be shunted aside so they can rule, it's quite another when they have convinced a lot of stupid peasants to say the same kind of shit. As if the peasants' lives won't be remarkably worse under what the elites have planned....
You are …and only a handful of people are going to be better off for it. It’s fucking wank, and it’s not just USians that are going to feel the hit, cause many other countries will use you as a blueprint.