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I find blahaj accusations of users here not being queer akshually very hurtful

I was kicked out of rentals multiple times for being visibly queer. I was scared out of some more by people who even moved after me, but made my life a living hell just for being queer. I was driven into near daily crying during highschool by my peers and sometimes even teachers. I was regularly spat on in public with no reaction from other people. I had a car full of tank top wearing men stop with the intention of beating me up when I was in middle school because they thought I looked too much like a "f*g". To see people, some of whom apparently so privileged they don't even experience systematic queerphobia as per own admission, claim us here aren't queer is so hurtful because it feels like it dismisses my entire lifetime of queer pain. Sincere fuck you to the people who make those claims. Maybe you are the one who isn't even queer and just sows discord amogus. trans-uno amogus


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  • It's because none of these people seem to have ever seen an actual safe space in their lives.

    Of course "nobody" uses neopronouns in general society. We all know what would happen if we did. Shame, ridicule, and violence would follow. And we're very attuned to reading online spaces for transphobia as well. Despite what a lot of people would like to think, many online queer spaces are NOT inclusive and safe.

    I was an old-school redditor, and I browsed the trans subs for a few months. I saw so much hatred there. The general spaces erased all identities that didn't fit the "mtf" experience, so the trans men stayed away in their own space. Both their space and the general ones were OPENLY hateful of non-binary people for years.

    This is one of the first spaces I've ever seen online that is truly inclusive. The neopronoun options are already there, you don't have to ask for them. Everyone is forced to show their pronouns, none of this "well mine are normal" garbage. There is a culture that promotes repressed voices.

    And when some people see this, they can't even fathom it. To them, being "an ally" means allowing trans people to wear a pronoun pin and respecting those pronouns so long as they are "normal" enough, then carrying on with life as normal. If queer discussions ever start taking place in the open, they get uncomfortable because they're not used to it. If someone who uses any pronoun besides they or she or he, they get uncomfortable. This is transphobia. They just don't recognize it as such.

    • It's because none of these people seem to have ever seen an actual safe space in their lives.

      Of course not, why would anybody let rabid transphobes wander into a safe space?