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ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me. Payman decision expected as caucus colleagues express concern over claims she was being guided by 'God'

The West Australian senator has told colleagues she is seeking religious guidance on her next move but is expected to make a decision on quitting her party today.

Payman decision expected as caucus colleagues express concern over claims she was being guided by 'God'

This is fucked reporting right? The quote they use as evidence is her saying something is "in God's hands". Elsewhere articles are run using quotes of her praying to god.

This is like, extremely normal lexicon for even casually religious people right? I'm an atheist with a pretty negative view of religion and to me this looks like pearl clutching.

Lots of extremely normal people say "I am praying for guidance" when they're reflecting on something. That in isolation doesn't mean they expect a hedge to catch fire and tell them what to do...

If our standard is pollies never mention religion then we might want to do some stuff about the Lord's prayer, the oaths, and the magical mace of the Royal cult.


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  • One MP told the ABC they were alarmed that the senator was distancing herself from the decision and assigning it to a higher order.

    I get where this post is coming from and it’s a pretty average article out of ABC. That said, if you cross the floor for something, something that hasn’t been done in labour for a long time (apparently). I would hope you have a more well thought out and coherent answer than “it’s outta my hands”. It seems to me this is the issue the article is raising. Not the fact that she’s religious or cited it in her politics, though personally I think the latter should be avoided.

    • That's not the context she appears to have said it in. The quote appears to be in the context of whether she would support a bill requiring a two state solution as conditional for recognition. That is relayed by a third party and a reasonable assumption is the context being "It's not up to me if this bill passes or not, I don't know if I'd support it at the moment. Let's see what happens".

      Remember, you are hearing a fragment of something said by an unnamed source who has the incentive to portray her as bad, and is likely trying to cover for labor continuing to absolutely nothing for Palistine while tacitly supporting crackdowns on protest.

      • I see how I misunderstood the context but it change the overall point slightly. It’s an odd response for a politician and evasive given she felt strongly enough to cross the floor. Given she’s a member of parliament and votes on issues raised in parliament, it’s not out of her hands, evidently. The article goes on to assert she had likely planned her vote and hadn’t raised the issue with the PM. Your last paragraph I largely agree with either way, ‘labour sources’ pffft. Other labour MPs will say whatever shit about her because she stepped out of line with the party.

        I just read she quit the party which is unfortunate and even worse looking for labour.

        • Yeah maybe, again though zero context and dubious evidence.

          She might just not want a two state solution. That's a reasonable stance, whether or not you think it would shake out nicely I can understand feeling like Israel is an illegitimate nation. At this point regardless of how it was founded I feel enough reasonable people ended up there either through birth, feeling persecution, exile or sale (yep... countries sold Jewish people to Israel. Fucking horror show that is) that not allowing them to stay in at least some of the claimed area and self govern is naïve. Although I would probably feel differently if the state killed my parents, gaoled my spouse, and blew up my kid so my opinion is questionably neutral.

          Would labour MPs support a 2 state solution of the second state was to be founded in Australia's sovereign territory? maybe made up of fragments of their houses?

          Giant fucking mess of a sitch.