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Multi-Team has been added to Infinite as a Combat Workshop playlist Halo Infinite - Combat Workshop: Multi-Team Arena - Steam News

I’ll cut straight to the chase – we are very excited to introduce Multi-Team via the Combat Workshop – effective immediately! It has long been a favorite mode, perfect for smaller squads and a lot of chaos. It’s also a mode that has seen a lot of variations over time from teams of two, three, and fo...

Halo Infinite - Combat Workshop: Multi-Team Arena - Steam News

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  • Infinite never had a chance. It succeeded in the art department, but everything else was such a colossal failure that even if they kept it around and updated it for the next 10 years, at the pace they're going they still wouldn't have parity with a game like Halo 3.

    Maybe the next Halo will be better. I am willing to give them one more chance since Bonnie Ross and Kiki are gone, among other names in management that ran the IP six feet under. But if the next one sucks I am out for good. Maybe a new property will replace Halo, who knows.

    • This, I know it's pretty sad but honestly when those rumours that Microsoft were going to essentially shelve Halo started coming out I got quite emotional about it, I have such fond memories of this franchise and I didn't want to see it go out like that.

      Going into Infinite I was saying this was their last chance for me but they did enough right with the actual game and after it to let me give them one more. I don't expect the next game to be Halo 2/3 levels of quality but if it's not a worthy successor to those games then I'm out.

      Microsoft have this golden goose that they just refuse to handle properly, one studio doing the main games is fine but this universe is huge, we've been begging for spin off games not focused on Chief and we aren't getting them. They have loads of studios that probably have people who would love to make a Halo game, so let them