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  • Okay, so first of all, yes, I do live in one of those 10% of districts.

    Secondly, you don't even have a candidate, let alone a popular one. It'll be a miracle if an actual leftist candidate can pull 3% of the vote to come in fourth behind the Libertarian candidate.

    It is less dangerous to cast a protest vote if you're in a district that is dramatically unbalanced, but if you think you'll make a difference by doing it you are going to be sorely disappointed in November.

    • I’m glad you do! Then I would be in your boat as well. Your vote matters, sincerely, for the rest of us, use it.

      I have yet to say who I’ll vote for, but, I’m not really a leftist, so likely not their non existent candidate.

      I don’t think it’s going to be a difference. Or be anymore valuable than voting for a main party, but, it seems every election, the # of votes not going to republican or democrat is growing. (I don’t actually have the data to back that but I think I heard that the last 2 elections, I can try to look if it’s a big deal.) I would rather vote in a manner that, hopefully, elected officials can at least put into a data set, that says “hmmm looks like Americans are more and more disillusioned by this” and maybe that can lead to something. For me, in a not competitive area, that’s way more compelling than the status quo if you get me.

      • The number of third party votes has gone up and down a little, but over the last 40 years the only third party candidate to get over 5% of the vote in a presidential election was Ross Perot. 2020 actually had very low third party support. The most popular third party candidate left of the Republican party in the last 40 years was Ralph Nader in 2000, and he got about 2.5% of the vote. There will almost certainly be more people voting for third parties in 2024 than there were in 2020, but unless something very weird happens between now and November it will probably just be going back to normal. 3-4% Libertarian and 1-2% Green. That's not gonna do much of anything.