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  • I choose the dragon one because I can get more out of that than the others here.

    • I'd be worried that I couldn't change back. I'd choose flight, since none of the other dragon stuff feels too useful besides just being strong.

      • Maybe they're all secretly traps. You can't change back from being a dragon; if you choose flight, you just start floating upwards and can't come down; you're not immune to your own poison breath; courage just makes you incredibly over-confident in your own abilities...

        • Oh I didn't think of that, yeah I think in that case I'd rather be stuck as a dragon, even if I can't turn back. Way less risky/dangerous than not being able to control the others. Would require adjustments and adaptations but hey, still better than having to chain yourself down so you don't float away.

      • You get fire breath too (maybe). Also probably courage.