I got a lot of "we're facing an exitensial threat, therefore the ends justify the means" out of the 3rd season. It seemed really out of place in a star trek show. Maybe it wasn't an implicit endorsement of the Bush doctrine but it sure smelled like one to me.
It's been so long that I'd have to watch it again, to be honest. To me, the only good season of Enterprise was Season 4 when Manny Coto took over and just made it a season-long tribute to TOS. Ironically, Coto is a Republican. That said, he also made another terrific short-lived sci-fi TV show called Odyssey 5 with Peter Weller. I highly recommend its one season despite the cliffhanger ending.
No problem. It was part of Showtime's sci-fi block which also had a pretty good post-apocalyptic show called Jeremiah, which showed that Malcolm Jamal-Warner had range beyond sitcoms. Showtime axed all of their sci-fi shows and it died. Stargate SG-1 was the only one that got saved by moving over to the Sci-Fi Channel, I think because it was being co-funded by Canada.
I wish he'd continued to story in a book or something. Everyone I've recommended it to has liked it. Looks like all of the episodes are on YouTube. Here's the pilot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWGbfQOFN60
Jeremiah was a masterpiece, and had the unintentionally funniest theme song of any show ever ("it's hard to breathe when the whole world.... Faaaarts")
Recently watched a couple of episodes and it definitely felt old-fashioned in a way that didn't feel appropriate for show about an utopian society from the early 2000s. At least the original series was progressive for the 1960s, which doesn't necessarily feel "woke" from a 2020s rightwinger perspective.
Or republicans just root for the enemies, that's always a possibility.