Skip Navigation Should Defederate with Threads

I think it's pretty safe to say that the majority of us are here to avoid another corporate takeover of our preferred platforms. It would seem to me to be a tad irresponsible to allow Facebook into our space with open arms, allowing them to hoover up our data. I would love to keep using, but will happily change instances if need be, and I feel many share that sentiment.


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  • Not federating it seems like a weird choice. Can't each user block Threads themselves if they want? Isn't that the point of the fediverse? User control?

    • Yeah you are correct, and you dont even have to lift a finger in the next release 1 click and you block the whole "" instance.

    • Not with the way instance blocking works on Lemmy, unlike Mastodon which limits interactions from blocked domains lemmy doesn't limit interactions at all through user blocks, it just makes them not appear.

      Combined with the fact that instance blocking doesn't even actually block the users from those instances. All it does is filter out every single community. If you read the page on it'll tell you that clear as day.

      Like I said for both of these reasons user-based instance blocks on Lemmy should not and cannot be considered an alternative to defederation.

    • Users deciding for themselves? Literally fascism! /s