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Confound you, WSUS!
  • You have another slot most likely, it's just populated by the Wifi card, If you're willing to sacrifice that and use one of those tiny USB wifi adapters you can use that as your second slot with a little adapter to convert between E key to M key. Also have to use a 2230 SSD since the longer ones won't fit in the spot.

  • Lemmy instance is shutting down
  • Good riddance, one less pedophile instance to worry about.

  • X considers "cisgender" a slur, and moderates it over actual slurs
  • servers that will perma-ban you if you don't post for a week

    Citation Fucking needed.

  • X considers "cisgender" a slur, and moderates it over actual slurs
  • Same reason people still use Facebook, it's why it's known most of the time these days as the old people platform.

  • Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while
  • I find it strange that many people here are against this when the alternative is a surgical treatment that often can't be easily reversed, and even when it is, often lowers the likelihood they will have a kid.

    Chemical solutions are way better in that regard because if they are done right they don't damage any tissue and their affects are temporary.

  • X considers "cisgender" a slur, and moderates it over actual slurs
  • Cis isn't a slur the same way trans isn't a slur, they are words to describe those particular gender identities and/or gender modalities.

    I've heard it used in hostile contexts but I've also heard trans used in similar contexts as well. That doesn't make these words slurs, they are descriptors used in a context that is hostile.

  • How would you decorate this room?
  • Ceiling fan is going and a regular fixture put in instead. This seems like a closet or storage room anyway (there are no windows), no real need for a fan like that in a space like this.

  • Mods, what tips or etiquette do you recommend for reporting?
  • Also depending on what it is responding can just make you into a target for harassment when/if that person comes back on a different account. Best to just avoid it and not make yourself known to them.

  • Mods, what tips or etiquette do you recommend for reporting?
  • If you have that happen to you I recommend reaching out via DM either to your instance's admins or the admins of the server their community is on. Give them the context of the report and also explain how that mod reacted. If a mod acts like that they are very likely an abusive moderator, so make sure to let admins know about that.

  • Mods, what tips or etiquette do you recommend for reporting?
  • I don't and will not use blocking for users basically for that reason, it doesn't actually solve anything it's just pretending things are okay for you when they aren't for everyone else. It's probably the reason why reporting doesn't happen as much as it should.

    Even in harassment it is particularly useless because even though you stop seeing them and getting notifications they can continue replying in your threads, they can even use that to turn people against you. If it at least prevented posting and commenting on your profile I'd use it in those situations, but as it stands it doesn't, so it's useless to me, because if somebody is harassing me, the last thing I want to do is hide them while allowing them to keep harassing me, it gives them mote opportunities to cause trouble and removes my opportunity to report them for that trouble.

  • How can you push agendas if you don't have one?
  • Also pronouns aren't necessarily dependent on gender, they're dependent on the person's pronoun preferences. Even someone who seems like they might use a specific set of pronouns based on their gender might use a different set of pronouns, as an example I knew someone who is a demiboy and they go by any pronouns.


  • How can you push agendas if you don't have one?
  • Which doesn’t make sense. Therefore my confusion.

    There are people who do not identify as having a gender, this is commonly referred to as "Agender". People who identify as Agender may not identify with the concept of gender, some may attempt to present gender neutral, while others may not make an effort to present any specific way. It's one of the many NonBinary identities, that is people who don't identify as exclusively male or female. I can understand though that for some it might be confusing as it has only been receiving mainstream recognition relatively recently.

  • A bit late
  • Yeah this meme as well as the original bear one were meant to be divisive and make people angry. That's the point of these kinds of memes, they're not really meant to be intelligent, they're meant to stir up drama and make people fight.

  • jk, we still love you Gitea ..for now
  • That is too bad, but also at the same time I kind of lost hope for Gitlab after they jumped on the AI hype train, if they're going full corporate they probably wouldn't be a good candidate for Federation (both because other people would defederate them and because they wouldn't want to because competition).

  • Types of OS
  • They usually run Older Windows or MSDOS too, definitely not their own OS category.

  • ...
  • I don't think that would really work since in order to make it anonymous it would need to be hidden from the other servers as well which would cause issues with moderation since if it's never dealt with On the origin server a person could cause a lot of trouble with it, yeah you could have so that it would only be visible by moderators and admins but that also doesn't really work if admins can view it since anyone can set up a server.

  • ...
  • Yeah that would be very difficult to implement safely, and probably wouldn't be worth the effort since the Federated model means that signing up for an account somewhere on the Fediverse is much easier already.

    Anonymous posting might have been a necessary evil on the early internet before you had all these Federated servers, but nowadays having other servers fills the role of granting easier access since you can sign up to another one where that process may be easier.

  • ...
  • Forgejo having Federation enabled would be great since it would allow people with Codeberg accounts to contribute in self-hosted repos without having to apply or beg for accounts on them just to submit issues and pulls.

  • Free Fediverse
  • Could always try reaching out to as they're the person credited as the creator on the bottom of the page.

  • ...
  • I agree, peer tube's biggest issues so far besides the storage or the fact that there are almost no peer tube servers which offer user accounts (which isn't needed explicitly to watch videos but makes the experience much better), and also the fact that there aren't really any good apps to use it with that aren't outdated or abandoned.