The thing is, the guy? The character of The Piano Man? He's a fucking dick! He spends the entire song singing about every single person in this bar, boiling them down to one or two of their least desirable traits- which, by the way, he's obviously been playing at this bar long enough to get to know all of them well enough to boil them down!- and then he sings about how great he is and how he's the only joy in their miserable little lives!
I want to get the waitress who's practicing politics, the men sharing a drink they call loneliness, the businessmen getting stoned, and we are gonna write a song called "The Piano Man is a Fucking Dick Who Thinks He's Too Good to be Here!" Fuck that guy!
I’d posit that piano man is a pompous song by one of the most pompous pricks in pop music, who grows more pompous and self absorbed with every passing moment.
I always wondered how career Navy officers felt about him basically bashing Davy, who's still in the Navy, and probably will be for life. Like, what the fuck is wrong with that?
Comes across as a judgmental asshole through much of the song.