It's intriguing how everyone that views themselves as moderates/liberals forget (or are unacquainted with it) about the paradox of tolerance.
Tolerance implies everyone has a right to express their ideas and you want that. You want everything out in the open, so you can pick at it, dismantle it and render it pitiful, ridiculous and useless.
You want the intolerant crying out loud that you are intolerant as that means you are doing the right thing. The intolerant want silence, forced, while want noise, anger, tension.
Remember that anything worthwhile needs to be fought for. Don't regret being vocal and harsh towards intolerance.
That is a pretty ironic comment because that is not what the paradox of tolerance is at all. The paradox of tolerance is that intolerance needs to be suppressed for tolerance to exist, since tolerance can't exist alongside intolerance.
The paradox is that tolerance needs to be intolerant towards intolerance in order for a tolerant society to exist, literally the exact opposite of what you wrote.
Peace is not a static state. Our society is not static, hence opinions and schools of thought change and flow.
It's not hard to find countries at peace where intolerance speach has been on the rise, often replacing tolerant and peace leaning and peace loving regimes.
It was a passive tolerance that allowed for such intolerant currents to rise, currents that are now doing their best to drown the previous.
I'm remembering the need to repel intolerance by pulling its ideas out in the open, pull it apart and dismantle it, in a context of peace. I am not advocating for violence. What I am advocating for is the need to use the necessary force to snuff out intolerance.