I've been wondering about this... Billionaires do the "borrow against their holdings so they pay no taxes, do it again to pay those off, then die" thing
So his holdings doubled and crashed back down (and still falling) over the course of a few months. He leveraged a ton of it to buy Twitter, which has also crashed.
So is there a point where he loses everything? If Tesla drops too low, can they call in the debt?
He doesn't seem to own much property directly, even his mini home is basically a publicity stunt while he basically lives with various friends
So if his stocks continue to crash, is there a point where it all just falls apart?
So is there a point where he loses everything? If Tesla drops too low, can they call in the debt?
Yes, to whatever extent that Elon-owned stock is pledged as collateral for his personal loans. Loans like that always carry provisions where the lender can call in the collateral if the value drops to a certain ratio of the overall loan balance.
So if Tesla stock plunges enough (and we have no way of knowing exactly how much is enough), that can cascade to where Elon needs to put up some cash, or other property, or pledge more shares, or it all comes crashing down where his collateral gets wiped out at the bottom.
And turning off the sarcasm for a moment... They found a manifesto and a murder weapon at McDonald's on a guy who dropped a backpack full of Monopoly money in central park? Then got away? He doesn't even look that similar to the security cam videos... It's too convenient, I have legitimate doubt
You want me to paint a picture? I'm watching a god bleed, and now I'm wondering what it takes for one to fall
You can say it's impossible, but we're in the onion timeline. We're so far beyond anything humanity has ever gone through before... History might rhyme, but we're in uncharted territory
Nah this is charted out somewhat well. There have been many untouchable folks with so much wealth, power, and influence so as to be almost divine in folks eyes. While plenty have lived into old age plenty still died choking on their own blood with a noose around their neck. I'm hoping for the latter personally.
But history rhymes, it doesn't repeat. We're in uncharted territory... The final outcome will probably rhyme, but there's endless differences from anything humanity has ever experienced before
It just means he'll continue to double down on his current activities. Like a cornered rat, he has nothing to lose now. So he will break every law possible to maintain.