Wouldn’t it make sense if it was a Russian group posing as being in Ukraine, to further divide the US and Russia? I mean the Russian ministry of truth is already hammering hard at that bond. How stupid can one be not to see that?
Nah. Russia has been running circles around America in the information war. In Clarissa ward’s on all fronts, she talks about investigating Russian troll farms in Uganda that specifically targeted African Americans and stoked things like the BLM movement, etc. there is a reason why America is so divided. It’s why Europeans have started shutting off these things during elections, etc
I think it's the "than that" is a little more complex of a construction that can be read over, and possibly missed. The sentence can be read with either of those missing, but if the "than" is missed it completely changes the meaning.
But if you actually read the VERY short comment, it shouldn't be ambiguous.
Sad that people are so quick to downvote, without even reading a comment that is only 1 line!!
Doesn't matter how short or long it is. People intentionally write simple short sentences all the time with extra words that like 90% misread. The easiest of of these sentences to make are those that happen to have a word repeat after a linewrap, especially short common words. Than and that are close enough to fit into that same overlook.
It's just a DDOS attack, it's not like there's lasting damage. It makes even less sense for Ukraine to attack Twitter than it does for Russia. This is all too fishy and real evidence needs to be brought forth. Musk is a pathological liar with an axe to grind. His words are worth less than shit.
Their war against Finland, was premeditated on a false flag. They shelled their own town and claimed the finns did it
Same against Poland. Although in that case I believe it was more of an opportunity to take advantage of the Nazis false flag in the Radio Tower incident that they used for their own casus belli
Putins rise to power revolved around a false flag, he had the FSB bomb an apartment complex and kill a score of people, only to blame Chechens after the first Chechen war, to use as a rally round the flag power grab and justify the second Chechen war. The Russians LOVED him for murdering the fuck out of Chechens.
And it was all a distant memory now, but the Ukraine invasion was started by a series of pathetic false flags. including but not limited to
an "assassination attempt" on a Separatist leader in Donetsk by blowing up a 40 year old low end "limousine'. (it was a regular car)
taking captured or knockoff ukrainian uniforms, and hastily spraypainting ukrainian camo patterns on their own vehicles since both sides used the same equipment back then, and making a fake go-pro video of Ukrainians invading Russia in early 2022.
blowing up their own military vehicles to lend credibility to the second point.
*to be clear Im talking about the incidents that occured in late January and early Feb 2022, while the Russians were building up military forces and when they "recognized" the separatist states and formally moved their military into Ukraine, about a week before the shooting started, all of this was going on
Russia has always been a gong-show of shitty and pathetic theatre and drama for the cameras/newspapers*
Attacking your own assets to make it look like an enemy isn't new. And attacks like this are nondestructive. They don't actually lose anything by doing so. But some idiots will just assume that it couldn't be anyone associated with the group being attacked.