I hate this brand, we now pay 6$ for water from a stupid can instead of having water bottles at festivals for 1-2$, the dude who owns it is friends with insomniacs owner, ruined the water supply at every festival. Redbull is typically cheaper than water now at 4$.
No ppl dont think you're drinking alcohol like they claim its for, that has never been a valid reaon to grab it, we all know its water, someone asking you for some water should be the first clue ppl dont think its alcohol.
The reason venues live the cans is that that can't be recapped after opening, so they are harder to refill so you keep buying more instead of reupping in the bathroom.
Either of them closed are miserable to get hit by, they become a rigid body and absolutely smash. When the tops are open, they'll expend most of their energy squrting the water out the opening, unless you're REALLY good at throwing them opening first.
The scary part about cans is you can peel the aluminum back and turn them into impromptu shivs or slicers.
They keep raising prices, keep overselling down to the night of, damn near get crowd crushed every other festival, I kinda stopped going to the more mainstream ones because of it