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It's easier to remember the IPs of good DNSes, too.
  • I wouldn't rely on the size of the address space to provide security. It's possible to find hosts through methods other than brute force scanning. I remember seeing a talk from a conference (CCC? DEF CON? I can't remember) where they were able to find hosts in government IPv6 address space (might have been DOD?) through stuff like certificate transparency logs and other DNS side channels.

    Man, I need to go find that talk now....

    Edit: I don't think this is the one I saw previously but is in a similar vein:

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "What is this level of grand security..." Enumerated here:

    Once manufacturers can implement those things, then you will have an alternative to Google hardware for running Graphene. I'm not telling people to trust anything, don't put words in my mouth.

    Who is PrivacyPhones and why should I believe they are in any way affiliated with Graphene?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • GrapheneOS has defined a set of security standards for their operating system which have hardware requirements. These standards have been published and there have been efforts to engage with hardware manufacturers to adopt the required hardware. Blame the manufacturers for skimping on security, rather than Graphene being unwilling to compromising their values.

  • Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • I wouldn't because I am not a dev. I stay in my wheelhouse and don't try to pitch features as something they aren't.

  • Awesome Android Apps - my curated list of ~250 apps
  • Calling the anti-features indicator a rating system is a biiiiiit of a stretch.

  • AMD confirms Radeon GPU sales have nosedived
  • I just got the 7900 GRE and it's been great. Hundred percent satisfied.

  • Ubuntu (Linux) Forbo
    Intermittent audio cutout over HDMI - Ubuntu 22.04.4

    I'm getting intermittent audio cutouts on my machine. Audio will be playing fine but will then cut out for anywhere from ~0.5-5.0 seconds, then come back fine. What's interesting is that other sounds may continue to play just fine while it happens. For example, playing a game there will be background noises and music, but the dialog will just drop out a few words here and there while the background sounds and music continue playing fine. It also happens on "single track" audio sources like watching a video, so it isn't exclusively a multi-track issue.

    This issue only started on my new computer that I built while keeping everything else the same (cabling, A/V receiver, display, etc.) Old computer was also running 22.04.4, so I suspect it might be something with the GPU in the new machine.

    Ubuntu 22.04.4 Gigabyte AMD 7900 GRE

    Trying to search for similar issues but I'm coming up with no good leads. The only one that looked like it may have been in the same realm suggested changing the refresh rate from 120hz to 119.88hz, but alas, that didn't work. Any suggestions for trying to narrow down the issue or some things I can try to troubleshoot?

    Can you see Batman rule
  • Took me way too long to see it, but the inflated mascot looks like it's the animated series Batman's ass getting ready to squat on the people.

  • Real-world CO2 emissions of cars are 20% higher than indicated. For plug-in hybrids they are 250% higher.
  • Last place I was at completely screwed me over when it came to charging my electric car. I was leasing a Leaf and had been running it entirely off of the 120 charger. Lived at this place for a year and had no problem. Then someone on their HOA got a wild hair up their ass and said I couldn't do that any more. They began by making up bullshit excuses, trying to say that it was a hazard to the landscapers. Except my roommate was the landscaper, and he didn't give a shit. Blatant fucking lie from the HOA. Then they tried to pivot and say it was the insurance company that was prohibiting it. I offered multiple solutions including expanding the electrical for the covered parking, running power to the curb, or even getting an entirely new line run from the city. Emailed all this to them and hear fuck all for eight months. Then they send me a registered letter with a cease and desist. Had to early terminate the lease on my car.

    Landlords and HOAs are some of the biggest inhibitors of EV adoption, and they can all go fuck themselves.

  • Threads is automatically hiding comments that mention Pixelfed
  • So something changed between then and now. Wish the picture had absolute timestamps instead of the relative ones. I'm on mobile so I'm not about to try to dive into EXIF to find out when that was happening.

  • A simple life
  • Highly recommend, you're in for a ride. Enjoy!

  • Hot take
  • BG3 running fine on my Ubuntu box.

  • The first EV with a lithium-free sodium battery hits the road in January
  • You have far more faith in capitalists to do the right thing than I. They'll put this shit behind user hostile DRM the same that Disney does for drink refills.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Let me know when they actually close the loop on that. Right now it's just externalized by dumping it all into the atmosphere.

  • Comedy posting
  • Except Musk's jokes are objectively shit.

  • Do you know of any obscure useful websites?
  • Buy a domain, set up a catch-all and use servicename@yourdomain. Boom.

  • YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users
  • Can we not with the "basement dweller" bullshit? Developers of free, open source software are volunteers putting forth a lot of time, energy, and effort only to get derided for it.

  • Looking for feedback on a new build.
  • Very informative, thank you for sharing!

  • Looking for feedback on a new build.
  • Oof, I didn't realize. Thanks for the heads-up!! That sounds painful, and probably pretty nerve racking!

  • Looking for feedback on a new build.

    Finally looking to build a new rig after about 7 years on my current machine. Will largely be used for gaming in Linux, although I may wind up throwing in a second drive for dual booting to Windows for games that don't work well on Proton/Wine. Also using it as a home theater box for streaming content.

    It's been a minute since I've looked into the hardware scene, and while going Nvidia is tempting for the DLSS and ray tracing, at this point I feel like I'd rather give AMD my money simply on principle.

    Is 4K VRR over HDMI possible on Linux?

    Everything that I've been reading says that it's only doable with DisplayPort.

    Forbo Forbo

    Sad soy boi beta cuck from the webbernets, planet Erf.

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