I'm fucking done reading shit on the internet where people say things and expect us to believe them at face value. You made this statement, and it isn't my burden to provide evidence to prove you correct, you will.
Please provide everyone here a link for us to read and change our minds.
I love how you say this, offer zero explanation as to why and just drop the mic.
I'm not here to defend Stevia, and I could give two shits about it; I'm here because I don't believe you, unless you please provide us all something to read, because we are done taking things people say at face value.
It is marketed as somehow healthy when the reality is drinking anything with strong sweeteners is problematic. It offers a false sense of security. Instead of actually cutting back on Soda and junk food people switch to the low and zero sugar products.
It is like switching from smoking to vaping. Sure it might be better but the problem still persists.
You can drink a zero sugar saccharine drink every day for the rest of your life and experience no problems from it whatsoever. It's the most tested artificial sweetener in history and has been used commercially since the 1890s.
People switching to the low and zero sugar products is a good thing. It is much healthier than people drinking sugary beverages - which is the alternative that that they replace. They do not replace water.
Switching from smoking to vaping is an improvement, but not a fair comparison as vaping has been shown to have significant negative health impacts.