Edit: Because of the number of negative and discouraging comments that are counterproductive to the message of this post, I have decided to remove select comments that discourage organization. I apologize in advance if your comment is removed inadvertently.
This post is going nowhere because it doesn't have realistic backing of anyone significant. So no, this post isn't going to change anything, even if I decide to sacrifice my job for some rando trying to start a movement.
Look at the 50 protests in 50 states that just happened. A couple thousand people showed up out of hundreds of millions. And that's much less of a sacrifice than risking your livelihood.
Psyops: Let's help the little people get it out of their systems... Let's get them to stand around with signs just like the good old days and put up a few posts on social media to organise it. They'll soon give up and learn to accept it.