Come one come all to the Lemmy-verse! It's nice and cozy here, we do have some "bad parts of town" but you can do an instance block and not deal with them lol
It's a bit like OSRS for reddit - an attempt to revive the reddit we all have very rose-tinted memories of. Unfortunately we seem to have forgotten about the the rampant casual misogyny, tribalism, moderator political infighting, that the 2007 XP rates were actually abysmally implemented and desperately needed retooling (and that deeply awkward "ron paul" phase reddit went through...)
So far, it's quite refreshing. However I miss some of the smaller niche hobby subreddits, as fediverse hasn't gained enough momentum yet. There are "channels" (?) that have like 300 people, and a post every other month, which is too small right now.