When you're a moderator on a forum, do you investigate this and check everyones intent, or do you go, someone posted a yellow bear to represent a chinese person and that seems racist to me?
The joke is that the dude straight up looks like Winnie the Pooh. As in his face and body shape.
The color of the cartoon bear was never even something that popped into my mind, because I'm not a fucking racist and I don't see "yellow" to mean Asian.
I think it says a lot about you when you turn it into that...
Can chinese people not do racist ignorant things? I've known many ethnic minorities to make racist charicatures of their own race, I don't really see your point
Well, when a Chinese person tells me it's racist and they're offended, I'll stop using it. Not really interested in what some white, probably American middle-aged dude cosplaying an armchair communist for the aesthetics thinks is offensive.
Poohs defining characteristic is being gluttonous and lazy... that's why he says oh bother about everything, and i've certainly never seen him be intelligent... i guess the anthropomorphic bear is capable of speech and that qualifies?
None of that really matters to me, honestly, him being yellow is simply enough.
I don't need to make the assumptions to feel okay with it, the assumptions are just for fun on the side. I don't need to justify myself to you, and you failed to make me feel bad about it in the first place.
Your evidence that i'm brainwashed is that I think a yellow, slow, lazy bear is kind of a weird portrayal of a chinese man?
Xi is a dictator and evil, I believe that, in fact, you know very little about my beliefs... I don't think the fact that I think it's weird to call chinese people yellow means i'm brainwashed, and the fact that that's what you'd jump to over such a small difference of opinion indicates to me that YOU are in fact brainwashed.
I think you all go into anti-tankie mode whenever someone says anything you disagree with.
I'm not a tankie... china is a dictatorship, authoritarianism is evil, all states are evil, fundamentally.
it's amazing that you think the only reason I could find this racist is by being a tankie, I'm also against the soviet union. I am literally working on an anti-tankie document... this is still racist though.
i'm not against mocking xi, in fact I think a non-racist charicature that mocked him would be great, let's just not make it yellow
Right. You're name's Communist, your avatar is red and black, and you keep defending the CCP, how could I have thought you were a tankie? I'm sure you looking and acting like a tankie is just a quirk of your rather regrettable personality.
I could be corrected on this but as far as I'm aware, it's not a caricature of Chinese people or Asian people, it's specifically a caricature of Xi Jinping, one of the most powerful people in the world. In fact, on Forbes list in 2018, he is listed as the #1 most powerful person in the world.
So I don't think it's a question of race so much as a question of how far are we allowed to make fun of the most powerful people on the planet.
I'm gonna have to explain this out very simply: blackface has a long history going back more than a century before Obama was even born.
There do exist racist caricatures of Chinese people with squinty eyes. Pooh does not have the squinty eyes. Ive yet to see any evidence of Pooh being used as a racist caricature before Xi Jinping.
none of his personality resembles pooh, it’s just his race, if anything he’s ruthlessly efficient
I think you accidentally admitted the real issue: Pooh is silly, soft, and generally not that smart. Certain types of rulers need to be seen as strong, powerful, and perhaps even ruthless at all times.
The real offense is a possible degradation of his "strong man" image.
I’m gonna have to explain this out very simply: blackface has a long history going back more than a century before Obama was even born.
what does this have to do with anything
There do exist racist caricatures of Chinese people with squinty eyes. Pooh does not have the squinty eyes. Ive yet to see any evidence of Pooh being used as a racist caricature before Xi Jinping.
okay, he's still yellow... and who cares if it was used before that or not? I genuinely have no idea what that has to do with anything
As a forum moderator, you see chinese person being a yellow bear, and tigger being obama... seems racist, better remove because it seems like a racist charicature.
None of the history of it matters at all in my eyes. I honestly and genuinely don't see why it matters to you.
I think you accidentally admitted the real issue: Pooh is silly, soft, and generally not that smart. Certain types of rulers need to be seen as strong, powerful, and perhaps even ruthless at all times.
The real offense is a possible degradation of his “strong man” image.
then make a charicature that makes fun of that and isn't yellow, I would be fine with that
Not to split this but the real obvious parallel with Obama would be Tigger. I'm slightly surprised that didn't come up, because it's literally the same origin story.
Does it strike me as odd that there's an illustration of Pooh and Tigger together, two characters that are friends in the same fictional world?
No, it doesn't strike me as odd, can you explain that one to me? What's the history of racism in the Hundred Acre Wood that predates some world leaders with possibly fragile egos? And why is all the attention always on the Pooh half and never on the Tigger half?