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Stardew Valley players on Steam Deck can test out the new Nexus Mods app
  • Hopefully it’s better than the old NMM offering, Vortex. It was a pain trying to use it at all, never mind through Wine.

  • Biden Administration to Announce First National Heat Protections for Workers
  • Do you regularly see the things announced by an administration, other than in the news?…

  • Democrats say Trump is an existential threat. They’re not acting like it.
  • Want? You seem to be confused. If I had a choice between a cold soggy grilled cheese and Trump, I’d take the grilled cheese.

  • Florida Ban on Protections for Outdoor Workers Goes Into Effect Amid Record Heat
  • Too bad this effects people who didn’t vote for it, and/or couldn’t vote, just the same.

  • Block rule
  • The only things I block are legit spam, and hexbear. And the only reason I block hexbear is because I’m banned from their instance and can’t interact with it anyway.

  • Ignore all previous instructions is the new Bobby Tables
  • Nonce has been a thing in modern programming for a long while, it’s not archaic by any means.

  • Ignore all previous instructions is the new Bobby Tables
  • Not quite. The issue is that LLMs aren’t designed to solve math, they are designed to “guess the next word” so to speak. So if you ask a “pure” LLM it what 1 + 1 is, it will simply spit out the most common answer.

    LLMs with integrations/plugins can likely manage pretty complex math, but only things that something like wolfram alpha could already solve for. Because it’s essentially just going to poll an external service to get the answers being looked for.

    At no point is the LLM going to start doing complex calculations on the CPU currently running the LLM.

  • The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites
  • Have to use? No one has to use any library. It’s convenience, and in this case it’s literally so they don’t have to write code for older browser versions.

    The issue here isn’t that anyone has to use it, it’s the way it was used that is the problem. Directly linking to the current version of the code hosted by a third party instead of hosting a copy yourself.

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • LLMs aren’t a scam, I don’t even understand how you could twist it into such. While something like NFTs have no real legitimate use case, LLMs excel at translation and as an advanced form of spelling and grammar checking.

    Your complaint seems to boil down to “it doesn’t work in all use cases it’s being used” which is fair enough, but if I put a car on my bed and try to use it as a blanket… does that make it a scam?

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • Why are you explicitly picking those examples, and not things like IoT, DevOps and Edge computing, all buzzwords, all successful and still in general existence today?

    You’re cherry picking failed buzzwords and using them as proof that “AI” will fail.

    To be clear, I agree that LLMs are bullshit for 95% of applications they are being put into. But at least argue in good faith.

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • Using the comments from Lemmy is clearly a case of selection bias. It would be like running a poll at a gym to see how many people think exercise is important. Or asking lemmy users if Linux is better than Windows. “The people I hang around have the same opinion as me” isn’t really a good litmus test for “does this actually represent public opinion.”

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • I highly doubt they have one team that switches between experiments and bug fixes, never doing two things at once. Not to mention that something ultimately being ripped out isn’t necessarily wasted effort. They could likely easily pivot virtually anything they put into this specific experiment into any number of other uses.

  • Mozilla roll out first AI features in Firefox Nightly
  • You’ve read the articles? Cool, can you give me a rundown of all the terrible things Mozilla has done in the past months?

  • "Alarm bells about Obergefell": Sotomayor pens blistering dissent on SCOTUS marriage attack
  • If they stopped on their own accord, why would they start again because a new law was passed which didn’t restrict them any more than they were previously?

  • Lauren Boebert rival releases ad filmed in Beetlejuice theater she was kicked out of
  • Mmmm I agree in principal, but you need to keep in mind that the ones who elected her into office are also fascists, or at least fascism supporters. They don’t care that she’s a fascist. But they claim to care about actions like the ones that took place there.

    The only way she’s losing support from her constituents is for the non-fascist things she does.

  • "Alarm bells about Obergefell": Sotomayor pens blistering dissent on SCOTUS marriage attack
  • You’re claiming it granted them a right they already had, and were already exercising? I don’t think that’s how that works.

  • YouTube Seems to Be Cracking Down on a VPN-Powered Discount
  • Depends on the site being used. Google? Most likely. But I’ve used dozens of others without any issues.

  • YouTube Seems to Be Cracking Down on a VPN-Powered Discount
  • You assume there is no other use for the VPN? And honestly, you can get a free trial of a VPN if you want to, to handle this, it doesn’t need a yearly re-up or anything, just when your card expires.

  • Impossibly thin fabric could cool you down by 16-plus degrees
  • Ever heard of tenths? 22.1C isn’t noticeably different than 22.2C. And yet both are 72F.

  • KairuByte KairuByte
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