They know there's soft, weak people like me that find it painful because the guy in front of you can see it. I mean, I'm a good principled person and I've still done it, but I felt like trash in the process.
I guess it was just a matter of time before other classes than the bottom one figured out aggressive panhandling.
If this is in a restaurant after I've eaten, it would get 0% and I'd never go there again.
If this is presented to me somewhere you pay before consuming your food/purchase, I'm leaving without paying.
Man I'd leave a 1% tip just in case someone sees it and realizes that it was on purpose because I'm annoyed with the UX
Also, holy hell, am I glad to live in a country that doesn't do tipping*. It was a bit weird going to the US and not knowing when to tip and when not to, but I doubt I'll be revisiting y'all in the next 4 years anyway :(
*At restaurants with table service, it's considered polite, but not necessary, to tip, if you enjoyed the experience.